Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
Bitch bitch bitchy bee-yotch bitch
Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
Bitch bitch bitchy bee-yotch bitch
Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
Why would we ever think Indy and Willie are supposed to end up together? It's not like there were any scenes where they professed their deep abiding love for one another. The movie ends with him throwing a whip around her, implying flirty affection, not lifelong commitment.
Only know about this because of CD Baby
I'm embarassed to admit that I had never heard of this sub-genre until it became an option for musicians to describe their music on CD Baby. I placed my band under that, without really knowing the genre, just because I liked the idea conjured by the name. It actually turned out…
King of Kong
At first, I thought that said "the cast of the documentary King Kong…" which seemed like a clever joke implying that King Kong was an unblinking verite look at the difficulty of capturing and displaying giant apes. I had a goood chuckle until I realized my mistake. Then I experienced deep melancholy.
You think you had it bad? I was actually watching the show live in the Kodak Theater, and they had the nerve to just blurt out the winners right there on the stage! Thanks a lot, jerks! Some of us were recording that at home!
Why no Farrah Fawcett in the dead people section?
Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota
As a kid (who am I kidding — as an adult too) I loved Weird Al Yankovic. So on my way from Chicago to Seattle, I made a significant detour just to visit Darwin, Minnesota, home of the twine ball. It's just as inexplicable as the song implies.
Does Joyce count as pop culture? Isn't that just plain culture?
PSH reminds me of FSH, or follicle stimulating hormone. That gives me the amusing mental image of a bunch of tiny Phillip Seymour Hoffmans running around in someone's uterus.
Yeah, but you didn't really "weigh in" on Moulin Rouge at all. You just spewed out some hyperbole that could have been applied to pretty much anything that anyone has ever disliked. I'd be more interested in reading what you specifically didn't like about it.
As someone who doesn't believe in a traditional afterlife, I thought the ending was very emotionally satisfying (although kind of clunky from a storytelling perspective.) I don't believe that my consciousness will somehow carry on into eternity or that all my deepest desires will be fulfilled. But of course I want…
Supporting Roles
It seems like every choice (except for Javier Bardem) is a lead performance. And a lot of the overlooked performances people bring up were in supporting roles. (Especially choices like Daniel Day Lewis and Heath Ledger, where a lead performance was chosen over a just as good or better supporting one.)
Don't forget Joan Allen in The Contender. Or maybe go ahead and forget her, just like you all forgot to go see that movie. Jerks.
I loved, loved, loved Emma Thompson in Wit. Maybe she wasn't eligible because they dealt with made for TV movies on a separate list a few weeks ago. (Damn shame that Wit didn't make that list.)
Man is a sexual being.
I just want to reiterate how good PSH (which is apparently what we're all calling him now) was in Charlie Wilson's War.
Judging from the total lack of comedic performances on this list, not to mention the fact that they have to string this out for another month, I wonder if AVC really does have a "Funniest Performances of the 00's" in the works.
I meant no-name. That was not supposed to be a pun.
I know the AV Club is fond of obscurity, but why did they even bother to interview one of the know-name members of The Dirty Mac? That band existed for maybe ten minutes in the sixties. What's next? An interview with Dirty Mac bassist Keith Richards?
I just love that line, and wanted to repeat it.