
The Iran hostage crisis was the first big news story that I remember. Years later, I actually dated a girl who was a 7 yr old, British citizen living in Tehran during the revolution. Her and her family were holed up in the UK embassy for a few days with some Americans who were lucky enough to not seek refuge in their

should say "endure"

The only people that rail on against vaccinations are morons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the 2-5 year old children that have to edure them.

The only people that rail on against vaccinations are morons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the 2-5 year old children that have to edure them.

As a Canadian, who abhors the whole idea of a monarchy, I fully endorse any and all horrible things to be said about the Queen. The fact that her face is on all of the coins and her picture is at the flag end of every hockey rink drives me insane! And our only reprieve from this is that her jug-eared, tampon

As a Canadian, who abhors the whole idea of a monarchy, I fully endorse any and all horrible things to be said about the Queen. The fact that her face is on all of the coins and her picture is at the flag end of every hockey rink drives me insane! And our only reprieve from this is that her jug-eared, tampon

In Canada, all blood is donation only, (well, there is the cookie and juice box), so blood sales are not an option up here. Mind you, I just read on CNN today that 60% (!!!!) of personal bankruptcies in the US are medical expense related. What is the going rate for a pint of blood anyway? I am too far from the border

In Canada, all blood is donation only, (well, there is the cookie and juice box), so blood sales are not an option up here. Mind you, I just read on CNN today that 60% (!!!!) of personal bankruptcies in the US are medical expense related. What is the going rate for a pint of blood anyway? I am too far from the border

hardly a stealth firstie……..D-

Crab People
Craaaab People,
Craaaab People,
Walk like Crab,
Talk like People.

Then there is the planned, "Coyote ugly II, Gettin' Uglier".

Damn straight!! Porcelain skin, red hair, bright eyes…….

I can't listen to "Old Time Rock and Roll" by Bob Segar because I HATE watching old, white people stomp and clap to anything. And it is a shitty song.

Clint, how I miss poor, dead, or maybe abducted-by-aliens never-to-be-heard-from-or-spoken-of-again Clint.

"The Quiet American" was a great Bredan Fraser movie. More Micheal Caine really, but a damn good movie.

Number One, hands-down, George Foreman guarantee FAVORITE song is….. "Running Free" by Iron Maiden. It is simple, short, fun and I feel like torching a police cruiser when I listen to that song. And I have never even been arrested!

My favorite Led Zeppelin song would have to be "Misty Mountain Hop." I still remember the Beavis & Butthead episode where Butthead is trying to convince Bevis to listen to the slow intro long enough to get to the fast part where they could both agree it was cool.

Best Stones = Paint it Black.

…and no doctor like a witch doctor.

I know there is a market for turn-based-strategy, but I am not it. RTS or bust! And no mention of C&C/Red Alert yet? I know there are some serious EA haters here, but, come on, the games are huge fun and they make a real effort to re-adjust the balances. I have spent real money on video card upgrades for those titles