
Pearls and Get Fuzzy are agreed great comics.
Some others that I like are:
1. Rudy Park
2.Cow and Boy
3. The Meaning of Lila

Anna Gasthyer. (I know that I spelled it wrong)

she is as dumb as a post, I hate her politcal/social views, she is the epitome of evil, regardless her pro-life stance, I am sure that she spreads the remains of aborted fetus' on her toast every morning. That all said, I would still tap that ass…

I resolve that next New Years I will not wake up on the floor of my hotel room, lying next to perfectly good bed. And to not bury the Advil in the bottom of my overnight bag


I thought is was clowns? Because clown-hatin' and fappin' go so well together.

Fuck yeah!! Iron Man 2!

Where the fuck are the Command and Conquer games?!?!
Generals and C&C3 were great. Red Alert 3 chewed balls.

I thought a libertarian was just a Republican that smokes pot?

unless they are on strike, that is.

The one German stereotype I love ( and believe to be quite true), is that they are an industrious people. I have seen retail staff there that are amazingly proficient at their jobs. (read: they give a shit). And from the amount of German contractors and tradesmen I have worked with over the years, I conclude that they

Mis-read the headline at first,
Thought it was giving "Jim Jeffries" his rightful due.

People actually listen (and comply!) with "spiritual advisors"?!
I have always had difficult time with REAL authority, much less the ramblings and rules of some self-appointed gatekeeper to the great beyond. To avoid contact with family or friends because some asshole who is not your parole officer said so is beyond

Price War!!
I for one am enjoying the price war between amazon.ca and walmart.com over the price of books. "Superfreakenomics" for $20CAN?! Well done. It is not like either one of them can't afford a loss-leader.

Guitar Hero 5
I am happy to see someone talking sense with regards to the over-blown Cobain issue.Thing is, if you want control over your catalogue and physical likeness:

people inhale burning formaldahyde?!?! Really?

People inhale burning formaldahyde?!?! Really?

Poor Sal, getting fucked over and not even a reach-around…

A great way to eliminate excessive calories from your diet is to stop *drinking* them. No soft drinks, small amounts of juice, and 1%/skim milk if you can handle it. A lot of those Starbuck-y flavoured lattes come in around 400-800 calories! If you have to sweeten coffe or tea, use Splenda (sucralose), as it does not

Peggy is hot, and women who smell like smoke are fucking dank. Any woman considered to be a 9-10 could rank no better than a 4-5 if she reeked like a trailer park skank.