
Who ever said they were a Christian rock band!? They're Canadian, and as secular the rest of us. It is opposite up here, with a few exceptions, mentioning your church or religious affiliation is a good way to NOT get elected. A telling stat: Canadians who believe in angels = 12%, Americans = around 50%.

Then where would you run when drafted into a war you do not care to fight in?

Dogs = Awesome

A&E. Bill Kurtis and "Biography". Good times, when I had hopes for actual Art and Entertainment.

Keep your mulleted. We stoppped accepting those like three years ago.

Any hatred for McConaughey has to be based on jealousy. The guy has plenty of money, a managable amount of fame, swims in ass-soup, and does not appear to work very hard. Who would really shun his lifestyle and success?

As a Canadian, with Aussie in-laws, I concur with the above assessments. We bitch like some middle-child over some petty shit sometimes, and I apologize for it.

The only music playing when I lost my virginity was the sound of the 30 year old basement beer-fridge humming and me thinking "Holy shit! I'm actually doing this!" over and over in my head.

Ouch, this thread hurts on a few levels, but what the hell…..

I have to throw a big batch o' hate out for "Reality Bites" I know it is not on the list but it has been mentioned in the comments with a positive note and I can't stand it. I was the same age as the protagonists in the film, not nearly as privilaged, and I just could not see where all the angst was coming from. Any