
The AV Club
It looks like you're masturbating

Scarjo action movie template #34
Scarjo voice movie template #22

I need a shower curtain.

Or just masturbate a lot. You can still think about the hot twinks without all the regret or fear of disease.

I honestly totally forgot about that. Ugh… I guess it was good that the master had a long term plan.

The evolution one was on there three times?

I have to assume that he was already working for Palmer like Sean Astin, hence his speech about how he did everything he could to stop Eph. That is the only thing that kind of makes sense, but I would not bet on it with this show.

I think there is a big disconnect between how the city is portrayed at the street level and how it is overall. In one way this makes sense. Most of the action is centered around the protagonists. For example the master was after Set so regular people have not been experiencing hordes of vampires descending on a 7-11.

Actually the recent Ebola stuff in Texas makes the show look not quite as stupid as it should.

Damn, the books were so forgettable that I don't know what you are talking about and I just read them 6 months ago!

Actually no internet access at home is about 20% of the U.S. population, hardly niche.

People who do not have the money to have a computer or internet access at home, hence the failure of their streaming business model.

Unless you got your period early, then you are a dirty, dirty woman.

He told them if they stroke his nose it would lead to wealth and happiness.

Yeah, Big Fish is bad for any kinds of father issues. That and "Cat's in the Cradle."

I like to think with the vast amount of technology and control over the environment that we see, that the technicians would be able to add elements to fit whatever fate they chose. Everyone was disappointed in the Buckners because they did not have to do much on the fly. Luckily scary forest fits most of the horror

Seems like I saw something like this one time…

I don't understand how they could film two very different endings, neither of which was able to make a coherent case for the film's title. If they were going to change that much about the story why not change the title?
I knew it was going south when we got that leaked shot of Smith driving a Ford Mustang. Neville

I guess Ripley's "Get away from her you bitch" in Aliens was technically not quite the same but probably should be in there anyway.

Great job Vice?