
Yeah our local elections did pretty well too even though the state is pretty red. It was really an uphill battle for Democrats given the red state senate seats they were defending.
At least now the Republicans will have less chance to blame the Senate (even though they will.) I see two major scenarios:
1. Best case


I heartily disagree, Glover in on fire in this movie.

And Carver's witness relocation plan did not work out so well.

Even my mom, who is very forgiving of the show, keeps asking why no one is worried about Beth. From the preview they may even try to say that Daryl has not told anyone yet, which is even crazier.

Well they did kill off D'Angelo right after Carver showed up. Some habits are hard to break.

Nice, right up there with Michael Parks' monologue in TUSK!

It used to be pretty standard practice before VHS and cable TV came along. The Empire Strikes Back was re-released three years in a row in the early 80's.

I hit a friend in the thigh from about 100 yards with a scope on a .22 air rifle. I had actually forgotten that I had it pumped so much. He was talking to another friend in a yard while several of us on the other team were hidden in the woods. Just talking and suddenly one of them is rolling on the ground screaming in

It is all fun and games until someone brings a CO2 pistol or a high powered air rifle with a scope. It is amazing no one lost an eye. We did have a pierced ear, a BB embedded in a forehead and several bruises and welts.

2012: Dammit! Why won't the cable companies unbundle the channels, I only want to pay for the ones I actually watch.
2014: Gah!!! Bundle! Bundle! Bundle! anything is better than this mess!

Dear Dan,
I like my wife to dab a little formaldehyde behind her ears and lie perfectly still whilst we are engaged in the blanket hornpipe but she says that she needs a bit more excitement plus the formaldehyde makes her nauseous and gives her a rash. I tell her she needs to be GGG. She tells me I need to see a

The interior mesh at about 10 min is a cool idea I have not seen on face off yet.

A new job for our nation's struggling cataloging librarians!

Or he would have fired the band and ended up a strange recluse like Axl Rose.

Wait… Courtney Love is Marilyn Manson? Things either got more confusing or all too logical.

*Bob Saget throws feces at Rob Dyrdek, accidentally hits the blond, she giggles as she is paid to do.*

“extensive fan base over the age of 25.”

Jeff Foxworthy is a bit of a stickler about his exclusive patent on the word "redneck."

I don't think I would mind that. I mean sure, seeing Stan Lee in every Marvel film takes you out of the moment, but I still smile.