
And to be reading about movie spoilers rather than downloading ASCII porn one line at a time.

I don't usually go to AMC so recently when I saw those dots acting out a horror movie in how to escape the theater in the event of what I assumed was theater shooting event I was pretty disturbed. I mean WTF? The one thing that did not do was make me comfortable and lessen my worries.

This was about 15 years ago, hopefully they have gotten out of the dark ages since then.

I am a bit confused by the Harrelsonaissance comment. Has there been a significant period of time in the last 20 years where Woody Harrelson has not been getting regular work in decent movies?
Sure True Detective might be a new high, but I think most have known for a while that he has ok acting chops. I mean Natural

I had a nurse stick a q-tip in there for an STD test one time. Pee felt like fire for two days. Yeah, never again.

I knew a girl named Carrie Hunt.

I liked New Direction better when they were The Backstreet Boys better when they were New Kids on the Block better when they were The Monkeys.

GG Allin is a fecal auteur compared to these scumfucks.

hmm I read it as "“a Mad Max-style Thunderdome with nudity fights”
Then I thought about nude metal fans and had to get a Tums.

Now, a clever man would watch the movie, because he would know that only a great fool would listen to Satan. I am not a great fool, so I should watch the movie. But Satan must have known I was not a great fool, he would have counted on it, so I can clearly not watch the movie.

"Hey guys, I did not really want to, but this Ayn woman is sooo demanding and she asked me to come up and share a few words about the third act in her capitalist screed. Frankly it was a little much even for me, but even though she was surprised to find out there was a God when she died, much less a Hell, she quickly

Vegan-Phish-head-Prius-driving-yarn-shop-owner was too many letters for the ad.

Well since TWD first season was only six episodes we could bring in the first half of the second season ;)

Well I can respond with T-Dog and an exploding CDC. The first seasons of both had some major issues.

And what was dumb was that as faithful as they have been to the books so far, this is the one thing they left out.
Mild spoilers since we have already apparently abandoned the pawn shop:
Setrakian does have his shop set up like a vampire-killing fortress. The door frame has very powerful UV lights all around it,

True but he still could have included something. He got cut off with sunlight. I was amazed that they all thought it was a success. Tell people it is a plague that uses the human body as a host. It is spread by worms that burrow in the skin. Kill the worms with UV radiation, most commonly found in sunlight. Avoid

Well it was no lowering Glen into a well to free the fat zombie.

"MAKEUP! I need more shoe polish for my goatee, it keeps dripping off. Hey Corey do you need more glue for your wig? it looks a bit…"

I would say they are hard to compare right now. If we just go first season to first season, I would put them pretty equal. Both show some promise with several missteps. At least the makeup and set design on TWD is top notch. Here it is more hit and miss.

You want the despecialized edition: