
But their business model relies on most of us not dying young of preventable diseases.

I think I saw it in one of the old "You Don't Know Jack" games in the '90s.

I am about 150 pages into it right now. So far I am not very impressed. I liked the Mars books better, but Years of Rice and Salt is by far his best.

I like when authors use gravity in their space battles. There is so much advantage conferred to the side that has a position higher up in a gravity well. For example a small well-equipped lunar colony could pretty much drop rocks on the Earth with impunity. That is why any Earth invasion flick that involves aliens

They let us comment on Lena Dunham articles now? This will end badly.

I have heard tales of some degenerate Protestants who utilize the intestines of cloven hoofed beasts in order to subdue their manly emissions.

I would normally agree, but they have been pretty good so far, putting out basic PHB and DM rules for free in PDF(which includes several monsters.) You can easily run a basic game with just those in order to try the system out. If you like it, you can go for the PHB which has everything you need for a full campaign.

I found that this helps a lot to make characters quickly:

Their 2014 pax game is a great way to get introduced to the basics.

I was like that up until about 6 months ago. I finally said fuck it, I need some 'me' time. I found a group at a local book store that plays every Sunday afternoon. It has been great, I forget about the kids and the job and just wail on some goblins.

We are 4 sessions into a move from 1e/2e to 5e and it has been good so far. Nice to get rid of THAC0 and we are using the advantage/disadvantage rules to piss off the DM. The death saving rolls add some urgency while letting the DM off the hook a bit about killing your character. Other than that, it is pretty

We have been running a 1st/2nd edition game and decided to jump right into 5th after the PHB came out. It was a pretty easy transition. Most of us never played 3.5 or 4. Like you said it is a pretty good mix. It takes the best parts of 3.5 and 4 and applies them to a 2e framework.

Full feces and urine coverage! Blood-borne pathogen coverage optional.

It may suck but thanks to conservative anti-regulation stances, it is perfectly legal. So let's fire those sky-daddy kooks!

I agree with most of the review, but two things did not bother me as much. First Gus killing the landlord was more him taking out the fear and rage than anything specific about the landlord. He did not have it in himself to kill his mother, so here is an easy one. It was a little too convenient, but so is the fact

Yeah, the master can communicate and see through the eyes of his vampires, it is not much more of a leap that he can also do so to humans. This is why I was not too bothered by Eph running off in search of his wife's voice. There may have been some type of psychic compulsion at work. Set seemed to recognize this

I think Fet had perfected the strobe effect, not that it blew up 3 times.

Yeah, his mom was blocked by the direct rays coming through the window.

But when we flag it still has to get approved by the 'real' mods right? What if some of the regulars were given direct delete capability like admins on wikipedia? The staff is doing a great job right now, but there may not be many of them at say 4 am on a Sunday.

verified email address might not be too bad. Mod approval would slow things down too much and create too much work for mods… unless you deputized a few hundred of us to act as mods, hmmm