
No Swee'Pea, No deal!

Vietnamese prostitutes love 20 dollars of cocaine?

Bitches! am I right bros!

Parents and grandparents seem to think that principle only applies to commemorative coins and collectors plates they see on TV.

First rule of the TIForum, do not talk about….

Hell, that is how I found out, they were talking about you in the shoutbox.
Don't worry though, they were all very supportive of both of you.

It is probably good that he takes a little time off, despite it being amicable, we would probably ask him to sit down for some discussion about making our MLA sad. You know satcat would tear right into him.

Yeah so everyone's comment can end with

I assumed that high tech security center has some automatic facial recognition program and that was what alerted them.

When he was wandering around the shop by himself I kept thinking "Where's Carl?" But yes they managed to dodge that bullet so far.

They do that on the naked home buying show on TLC. It is distracting and if I say so myself, breaks the suspension of disbelief. I just keep thinking of how much staging it took to get 3 people to stand in such a way relative to the camera that all their naughty bits are covered by vases, picture frames and coffee

But MOM! They already told us about that in school!

Hmm… A boring middle-aged Renton with a family and a fucking big television is approached by a recently paroled Begbie for one last big score. His kids need braces after all!

Still a better Jedi than Yoda who gave him that teaching job, started a galactic civil war and never once figured out that Palpatine was a Sith.

Yeah I expected it to be a lot worse. He was saying the whole thing in a teasing light-hearted manner. The articles make it sound like he was having a diva moment.

"My wife is a slut"

"I wish I was taller"

He would probably be ok with that. Kind of like George Clooney voicing the barks of Sparky the gay dog in South Park.

Apparently no money in the budget for color contact lenses. Those would have gone a long way to selling that makeup as something a bit better that a Halloween costume.