
Well three of them have already been 'released'.

Actually I think the show has already explained that better than the books ever did. Not that it makes any sense, but at least there was an attempt to explain what I saw as a major problem in the books.

I assume the head is the locus for the connection to the master.

*repeatedly smashes dolphin's head into kitchen cabinets*

Well first I would use my +5 baseball bat to crack the zombie's head in. Luckily I also have a potion of cure critical wounds that should take care of the bite. But I may have to look for a cleric to stave off the infection.

The lighthearted family movie takes an unexpected turn when the director of The Cove takes the helm.

I suppose a million words is impressive for one novel, but I am used to epic fantasy series with 200-300k each. Song of Ice and Fire is around 1.7 million words so far. The Wheel of Time clocks in over 4 million words. Those kind of series really are set up as one novel broken down into what would fit in traditional

I was really disappointed in the Minecraft video, it was just a picture of an iPod. Maybe I am jaded but I was expecting some massive combination of jukeboxes, note blocks and redstone to play pop songs inside a building shaped like an iPod.

Well GG knew how to entertain a crowd.

Then he will get his own reality TV show then people will go "oh yeah, wonder what is up with him?" Then he will get false hope of his revival and then he will OD.
It is a story as old as time itself.

Was that time traveler's name Rufus? Because I think he has been up to that prank before. Roping in naive young men into thinking they are musical deities in the future and then having his way with them.

Think more along the lines that if everyone were a vampire, what would they eat? Then think about what Eichorst's former job was.

There is a secondary plot from the book involving those plastic glasses, it will be interesting to see if they follow it. If they do not, then your point stands.

The book logic is that they are very clumsy when they are first turned and that it takes weeks if not months for them to become efficient killing machines. Since the morgue guy had been turned several days earlier he was a bit more proficient with his sucker.

Or the more colloquial "busted a nut"

Yeah "I got off" has a bit of different meaning across the pond.

*Fish flops on floor apparently uninterested in the piano solo*

He was even a little beefy in Batman, what about as a young Jim Morrison in leather pants?

Moto seems to have hit a sweet point size wise if they would just update the internals:

Come on, that is not fair. Any kids that would be that old have already been ground up into compost.