
Well Turtles was its biggest competition and really that could have easily gone the other way if the movie-going audience were not so fickle about nostalgic toy films.

My D&D group is well into a conversion from 1st edition straight to 5th. Going good so far. It seems like there is a lot of flexibility and you can almost pick the level of detail you want to go into. As we progress through fights we have started to slowly incorporate things like advantage/disadvantage but they are

But the mummies are really just Palestinians.

Which is conveniently located inside the Marianas Trench where he is building his undersea kingdom. I think he named it Paradise or Exultation, maybe something about a bird.

More of a burnt umber, kind of like that anti-Christ guy who looks nothing like Obama, why are you asking?

Billy just wants a little golden statue dammit! Where is his little golden man!

Cheech Marin is ready to hand that torch over any minute now, just wait for it…wait for it.

Well it was no "Real People" that is for sure.

If R2D2 is CGI does that mean the Ewoks are coming back?

I am eagerly awaiting Nudeador Viking's thoughts on these daguerreotypes

An inanimate carbon rod… but not THAT one.

2 pies 1 gelato

O'Neal denies all knowledge of the Tolerability Index.

That 4chan guy really gets around:

"piece of shit" took me a while too.

I just wish they had not zoomed the classic episodes to widescreen cutting off the top and bottom. I always feel like I am missing something. Give me pillarbox dammit!

She actually made that same comparison (sideways mullet) on the Conan bit. I don't think your opinion matters to her.

I thought I actually saw Joseph? or a wise man cutting down a pine tree? WTF?

Good enough to beat the hell out of a mouthy rapist.

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