
It was Shinobi and Afterburner for me.

What better way to record your illegal high jinks for later viewing in a court of law?

I am coming back to the gaming world slowly after a few years off having small children. I that time my gaming has been limited to some Angry Birds, Mario Kart on the Wii and a brief if intense Minecraft obsession.

Well, that did not escalate as quickly as we have been led to believe.

Good point, I have heard Catholics use a similar defense for remaining Catholic despite, well, pretty much everything.

Oddly, I was just thinking of this during Sunday's episode as Carl gets away from one just by closing a door. Of course their abilities change according to what the plot requires, but I think in this case it is fumbling at an obstacle, sometimes they get lucky, especially with lever handles.

Oddly, I was just thinking of this during Sunday's episode as Carl gets away from one just by closing a door. Of course their abilities change according to what the plot requires, but I think in this case it is fumbling at an obstacle, sometimes they get lucky, especially with lever handles.

They shot him down They shot him down They thought he was a monster But he was the king

Don't worry he is already getting a nomination for downvotes at the commies.

Growing up in a small town school, I can tell you that WAS the only thing we were graded on all the way through high school. Getting to college and being expected to form coherent, thoughtful essays was a bit of a shocker.

Well it is a regular message board for one. You can write huge reviews, add photos and video clips. You can get reliable notifications about when someone tags you or responds to your post. It is easy to navigate and jump right to the post you want and it lets you know if there are new posts in a thread you are engaged

She is still very active over at the TI forums. There are a lot of regulars over there now. Not that we don't come back here, but it is so much easier to have long form conversations there.

But Neverending Story is Wolfgang Peterson, I would say they both have some surprising bonefides.

And those little plastic things in the top of 1.75L bottles, those are just there to slow you down, rip them the fuck outta there.

It can be either/or. Some want to hear about it, some want to watch, while others might enjoy licking the other guy's come out of her vagina. I don't think there is a strict guideline.

As long as you mean that like substitute teacher, or good in a pinch, because, good, god, O'Neal don't go anywhere!

He is threading the needle.

Well it was no El Duce with an official cause of death being "misadventure" after being struck by a train.

Well certainly misogynistic as hell, but it always seemed to me that he was kind of an equal-opportunity hater.

He has aged very weirdly: