
So that is how Mask was born.

It is the song that really puts it over the top though.

She probably knew you were related.

I know he did it during the first season too (partially because Jeff mentioned it) but if my memory is right that is kind of what caused him to lose. Just like this one where he flips the plate to try to get both grubs at once (in what world does that make any sense) and drops them.
Stop screwing around Gervase!

Yeah what is up with that? Caleb makes a big strategic move and then fades back into the background, never to be heard from again. Maybe his interviews were boring.

Or one engaging, but ultimately unsatisfying one like 11/22/63. I think King hits all of your points above. It is a decent book, but King never quite sticks the landing.

Good god, what kind of bar has Pepsi? Ugh!

We used to joke that Police Academy 4 was going to be rated G given the progression from R to PG-13 to PG in the first three.

Why wait? It seems like the Back to the Future was today meme pops up every few months on social media.

I cannot agree about Jane's Addiction, but your first point is great. I think it was the alternative/120 minutes scene becoming mainstream. It was a rejection of manufactured/corporate rock and an embrace of independent artists.

I think he means in comparison to large studio label tent pole artists and actually manufactured music like boy bands.
They certainly did not get much marketing for Bleach and the only reason Nevermind took off was because of MTV putting Smells Like Teen Spirit on heavy rotation.

crashed my PC

When I saw the headline, I was really hoping O'Neal had written the article. But I guess they cannot have that much snark in a serious article where people are getting laid off.

Makes sense with the prequel Yoda though, he always fucks things up. He has a bad gut feeling about Anakin, but lets inexperienced ObiWan train him by himself anyway. He knows the clone war is bad, but lets the Jedi get pulled into it, even militarizes the order. He loses his fight with Palpatine.

What about us bald, bearded, non-glasses-wearing librarians?

Different numbers of chromosomes, so it is unlikely.

Note to self: cross promote Disney large-arena musicians with indie rock bands in nearby small venues.

When I was 17 I saw New Jack City in the theater, but I could not buy the soundtrack (from a music store in the same mall) because you had to be 18…

Our Hollywood Video had these Tuesday deals where you could get three movies for $5 for a week if you were bringing in three from the last week or something like that, it is all kind of hazy. But damn my roommate and I watched a ton of weird shit that year.