
I think so, in a teaser shot they show Ender being menaced by another kid in a bug mask. They also show Ender at the lake with Valentine in several of the trailers. I am not sure how much of their plot and importance made it into the movie though. I was just glad to see the giant killer game. That was my first hint

I think so, in a teaser shot they show Ender being menaced by another kid in a bug mask. They also show Ender at the lake with Valentine in several of the trailers. I am not sure how much of their plot and importance made it into the movie though. I was just glad to see the giant killer game. That was my first hint

Unaccountability? If the personal remorse at the end of this book is not enough punishment, surely the consequent demonization and ostracism by all of humanity by the next book is enough. Yes, he remains largely sympathetic to the reader but you could make the same accusation against a character like Dexter.

But his social naivete is kind of the point. He is not as "soft" as Valentine and not as "hard" as Peter. His ignorance with killing the bullies parallels his ignorance about the buggers. Valentine would have pulled back, resulting in defeat. Peter would have reveled in the killing, making him a danger to everyone.

I heard this one already includes some of the Ender's Shadow stuff. Given how Hollywood handles book series, they would split the next three books into 4 movies though.

Well at least keep it to the bathroom, it is much easier to hose off than chair fabric or keyboards.

As a library worker, I can attest that this cliche has some truth. But contrary to internet videos, the demographics tend much more toward older, fatter and male than young females.

I saw it before I understood camp, so it has always kind of sucked for me, not sure how it would look to me now.

Ugh, now I am imagining Simon Pegg in the Sean Connery role.

Well I am sure they are hurting after being dropped by McDonalds.

Girls Gone Wild Generations
Meet the daughters of the girls from the 90's!

I first saw Evil Dead II when I was 13 at a sleepover (how could we resist that skull in the VHS new release section,) we all thought it was stupid. It took a couple of years for us to realize it was supposed to be.

I first saw Boondock Saints in my 30's and I thought it was fun. No substance, but entertaining in a low-rent Guy Ritchie kind of way.

True, though I would not call that one silly. It was more acceptable for the high school/college crowd to watch anyway.

I get that vibe from the original Last House on the Left. Just a little too much.

Yeah I think people forget there was a portion of the population at the time who really thought it was real. I tried to convince a lady at the library that they were actors but she would not have it. You can call those people dumb, but I think it speaks to the uniqueness and quality of the direction at the time. It

A couple of early jump scares, but ones not mentioned yet. The glowing eyes outside the window in the original The Amityville Horror and the vampire outside the window in Salem's Lot.

By the time they are in school, there is peer pressure to be considered. But at least I don't have to be the parent that starts the madness. She has a good grasp of '80s horror movies, but I can only do so much.

I will give you $50 if you eat their egg roll.

Hey can I get you to translate my tramp stamp? I get lots of strange laughter when I walk through Chinatown.