
Screw you Marah, I am not showing this to my 7 year old lest I be bombarded with it constantly for the next several weeks. At least What does the Fox say was catchy.

Unique experience is also how I would describe the Torture Museum in Amsterdam. Small and crappy, but pretty spine tingling.

And Jim Morrison, Proust, Melies, Chopin, Bizet, etc. I was in Paris for one day in 1998 on foot, I was not sure which cemetery they were in and I picked the Montparnasse, still pretty cool. I also would not recommend walking from Notre Dame to the Eiffel Tower, it is farther than it looks.

I will just leave this here:

Don't forget Escher! I think mine consisted of Dali, Escher and Ren and Stimpy for the trifecta. I even topped it off with the "College" t-shirt (I had the actual shirt instead of the poster of Belushi, which should also be acceptable.)

Rushtar, "What yaw mean you bought camel?"

Somehow the gruff military asshole was the least stereotypical character.

Ummm, how do I say this? Sorry fella, but I think that ship sailed without you. But don't worry, there is a show on National Geographic where I think you can find some people who have some inside tips on the next scheduled departure.

Yeah Crook Factory was great if only because of the Cuban history lesson plus a kick-ass Hemingway. Of course now that I know his political proclivities I would probably read more into his treatment of the Cuban people.

Of course in Flashback (at least the half of it I made it through) he pretty clearly calls global warming a hoax along with the anti-government, anti-islam, anti-asian, anti-electric car rants.

Fuck, Danville shoutout! I grew up 20 minutes from there.

With just 15 years of hard drugs and ten years of exercise, you too can be a supermodel.

While not as intellectual, I also loved Reamde. The plot, when laid out sounds bug-fucked but somehow he makes it all work together is a fairly reasonable (if deliberately coincidental) way. Think the Connections TV series.

I actually liked them quite a bit when they came out, but I guess I kind of glossed over the overtly Islamaphobic parts. It was not until the electric car died for the second time on the protagonist in Flashback that it all started to come clear. First book I have almost thrown across the room.

I keep thinking about starting those but it seems a bit overwhelming. What do you think as a recent reader?

I just started 11/22/63. Now I am thinking I need to go back and read It. Somehow I missed that one when I was on a Stephen King kick in middle school. I like to talk shit about King sometimes and I have not been as much of a fan of his over the past 15 years or so, but he does know how to hook a reader and keep your

It did not do it for me. Seemed overly long. Maybe it was just over-hyped.

I used to love Simmons, but after Flashback I am afraid if I go back to his earlier works I will catch glimpses of the Glen Beck wanna-be. I don't know of that is true, but Card seems to have retroactively ruined some of his best works for me as well.

"A polar bear fell on me."