
So was Rick testing her about the statues? I figured something would come of that, but it did not seem to.

It is only about a $50 difference for me. Add in an upgrade to the next speed tier and a subscription to Netflix or something and I figure it is about a wash. I have small kids so the convenience of not having to hunt for something on now for them to watch is worth the small difference left. At least for now, if fiber

Yeah, I keep looking to cutting the cable but Comcast is my only choice for broadband and the bundled price for cable and internet is not much more than what I would pay for the internet only plan.

Dear god someone save @dikachu.

LOL, I am now imagining a whole tense film of the Cardiff WHO scientists watching their coworkers become infected and blocking off the skyway as they wait for rescue. Then a blowhard American shows up and tells them how dumb they are, he has it all figured out.

Hey, did they delete the disqus article? Does this mean they are reconsidering?

There is Livefyre, but I don't think it is any better really.

Like is easy, but down votes can be for any number of reasons. I am too lazy to check but will heavily down-voted comments fade and disappear? That can be good for off topic or trolling but not so good if someone is just expressing an unpopular opinion. Their love of Family Guy or something…

See I would like it if they picked up more of the comic plots. Maybe with the new-found security they will go back to the thread of Carl being unable to relate to 'normal' children and the disastrous consequences of that.

My kids love it and it is a catchy earworm. It has been on our rotation since about 5 days after it appeared on youtube.

A good beard hides the double chins. I found that out to my detriment when I cut mine down to stubble in the heat of the summer. Not a good look, glad to have it back now.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I always liked "What kind of shitty designer would run  sewage lines right through the middle of a recreation area?"

I think it only strains credibility if you ignore the astounding luck that Walt experiences throughout the series. Even Jesse is amazed by it.

"Easy with the shoe polish fellas, keep a little grey in the mustache and temples, makes me look distinguished. Eyebrows? yeah, go for it."

How about the Baldwin Brothers? Daniel, Billy and Stephen in Born on the 4th of July. Surely there are others?

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Yeah… I am not clicking on that.

So the new CBS Secretary of Farts is earning his pay then I see.

How much would the commentariat pay to see ONeal in a Uwe Boll-type boxing match with @avclub-1281c02fa3b6de71a7896cda7f879c0d:disqus ?

Based on the ratings bonanza, AMC unexpectedly renews Breaking Bad for another season.

I am a little worried about the AV Club's sponsorship money since Sean neglected to ask his car for directions or to turn on the AC at the beginning.