
More useless trivia, Stevie Nicks and George R.R. Martin are the same age (65.)

I was scrolling to see when this would get mentioned, meh movie, but damn that was a party.

I was amazed when I learned that oily shirtless man was actually a singer and not just some bodybuilder they cast.

How about the Sizzler Sisters? I imagine it would be kind of like a GG Alin performance, just an audience waiting in dread.

A box of wine has a flexible bladder inside that fits nicely under a shirt. The nozzle can even be accessed through the pants zipper.

Maybe GaryX's award poll can straighten all this out for us. I propose:

I heard that is what happened to @kirkcameronleftmebehind:disqus

Maybe we should add our own caption contest in TI.

My mother admitted that she watched two episodes of Dexter on her laptop in the passenger seat during a recent road trip.

Unfortunately a guy several rows back was misled into thinking it was Jaws. About 25 minutes into it he started to grumble. After 45 minutes he was shouting at the screen. He thought he was entertaining everyone until I yelled at him to shut up.

Well Open Water did not have the best dialog either, but I still thought it was pretty effective, at least on the big screen.

There is also orbital decay which they would be subject to, that could drop them into an area where the atmosphere would start to play a roll. But in a normal space station orbit that would take a while, longer than their air supply would hold out. So it really would just depend on the direction and amount of

Fuck, Shrike beat me to it.

Dammit Bob Vila destroying my suspension of disbelief wondering how long that cameraman has been sweating in that crawlspace.

In my day PG-13 meant the very real possibility of actual nudity.

Yeah my dad is deaf as fuck after 20 years in a General Motors foundry. He just nods and smiles as my kids talk to him.

You got it all wrong, it was the creator of Minecraft who caused all this.

Well that is better than being 38 and everyone thinking you are in your 40's just because all your friends are. The increasing baldness and graying beard probably don't help either.