
I think there are quite a few of us in that age range, guess we should stop yelling at each other to get off our lawn.

My two week vacation bumped me back up 5 pounds to 268, so you have sped by me in my much slower weight loss.

I was worried that I had not seen GaryX in while for this same reason.

Hey, I just drove through Birmingham last week for my brother's wedding on the coast, St George Island. Great beach wedding. It rained a bit on us but we were able to squeeze it in between light showers. It was warm enough that it did not matter much. Watch out for the sand burrs.

Can we just nominate the title sequence? That was scarier than most of the episodes, but there were a few genuinely good jumps in there.

"And All Through the House" with the serial killer santa
"Cutting Cards" with Lance Henricksen
"Last Respects" fucking monkey paw

"Thank god that's finally over"

Actually @avclub-f17b63d878e1e227361ddce49b95fecd:disqus  is just a scab for  Pendatic Editor Type

But Ocean was pushing 40 when that song came out, still pretty creeper.

No, he said shitty animation.

Yeah the jet pack seems to be more danger than the cool factor it gives you. The superhero cape of the star wars universe.

Well the prequels did show us that he learned his cool tricks from the mistakes of his father. Obi Wan tricked Jango hiding on the back of an asteroid, so Bobba was on it when Han pulled the same trick with the Star Destroyer. See a Jedi coming at you with a lightsaber? Tie that muthafucker up rather than jet away.


True but since they neglected to tell her about the last person to touch it, it does leave it ambiguous but I am sure that was not intentional.

I thought maybe Junior would shank him, but screw it up and just hit his liver or something. Of course the one nurse at the clinic would fix him up in a jiffy.

Could be cool in a Marvel Universe type way and not too hard to do, therefore it will never happen.

Well you could say that time is a bit hard to track without a sun, but then you might start to wonder if they had Barbie for more than couple of hours why it took so damn long to get the egg out on a boat.

Nice, reminds me of guards in Metal Gear Solid. She just reverts back to standby mode after things are out of her sight for a while. Maybe she has that Memento amnesia disease.

Maybe not interesting, but some potential. She lost her fiance and father figure at the same time. She is woefully out of her depth. She could have sold out to big Jim in her naivete or she could have grown and stepped up. Instead she just comes across as dumb. I think the idea is to set her up at some point having to