
Graveyard Book


Devil in the White City

The great thing about Hurley is that he could call out the bullshit on the show.

Wait, my last sentence may sound like a joke to someone who has not seen the last few episodes, let me be clear that it is not.

Yes, Or more like a giant beach ball. They were transporting it in a kid's wagon this episode, but over half of it is filled with dirt so it has to be really fucking heavy, not to mention that the dirt, egg and cocoon inside do not slosh around when they are moving it.

The show can not really decide if Junior is crazy or not. One moment he is a wacked-out kidnapper, another he is a troubled visionary, then a hormonal teenager, a remorseless killer, and lastly a punching bag.

It actually looked Joe might have become dumb enough to fall for Jim's nice guy facade until she laughed at him.

I thought that too, just kind of squeeze and pop through. Then we would have him on the outside spinning some of his crazy shit to the military while trying to figure a way back in to save his love.

I only made it halfway through the first season.

Nothing beats accidentally seeing your first episode in the midst of a mushroom trip and having no idea what it was.

Do we want to take bets on who the guy in the third row, black shirt with his fist raised to heaven is?

It's like Neapolitan ice cream!

I have to thank the AVClub for learning the word zaftig.

@avclub-451b7053cb6d6b49ce21b918c2946122:disqus My (admittedly poorly worded) point was that while cassettes may have been superior to CDs for a time period after their introduction, they no longer are so in any way.

My kids shoved a bunch of change into my cassette player in my 2006 mini-van and when I try to dig it out the coins hit the contacts inside the radio and change the volume, fade, station, etc. It was really weird the first time it happened, we hit a bump and the volume just started going up and up, I could not even

@Biggles "Wouldn't hold out much hope for the tape deck though. Or the Creedence."

@avclub-451b7053cb6d6b49ce21b918c2946122:disqus But there is also this little thing called bittorrent where you can find an exponential amount of music compared to radio and you don't have to wait for it. 
You may have a point from the late '80s to the late 90's where cassettes were still useful for a few purposes, but

"But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!"