
Hey now, Shopping was a lot of fun. I consider it one of those weird gems you can pop in with friends who have no idea what's coming.

Well now that I look and see this has been around a while, maybe ZMF just forgot his password. Either that or a lame rip-off.

So why the Dr? And if it is supposed to be the opposite of ZMF shouldn't it be in lower case without expletives, maybe with some rainbows or kittens?

Shannon Hoon is a god around here. I liked them ok, but I don't get the devotion.

Around Lafayette, there are only two names, Axl and Shannon Hoon. Since someone mentioned "Paradise City", which I never really connected before with Lafayette, but I guess it could be there, I would go with "Tones of Home" by Blind Melon:
Not as famous as "No Rain" but better catches the

"Small Town" was our high school graduation song. Once "Another Brick in the Wall" was nixed by the administration the alternative vote split between a Mudhoney song and Metallica's "Wherever I may Roam."

Save Jesse, save the world.

I am just about to start season 7, how much worse than Colin Hanks can it get?

My kids do that, I just shove them off my lap.

It is known.


Don't forget the Witwicky family! Lame human sidekicks go back to the beginning.

@avclub-85ea282c45a69b03b4c8a63fb0bb5259:disqus Though I liked Grimlock, coolest transformer has to go to Jetfire.

Well considering I did not immediately recognize any of the roughly 15 people billed above him in that movie suggests that he has somehow dropped below Haim.

Yeah I don't think you can lay all the blame for X being an asshole on repressed sexuality and/or mental issues. Sometimes an asshole is just an asshole, gay or straight.

It's all fun and games once somebody invades Iraq.

Well, I would say they are representative of a subset of industrial, at least the Chicago Wax Trax! subset just because ALL those guys have been involved in it. But yeah, they are more of a project than a band.

Well, now I know what I will be doing this afternoon, thanks!

If you want to delve into the history, you can start with Throbbing Gristle or Einstürzende Neubauten. For me Neubauten was a bit easier of a gateway, pretty minimalist.

The Wax Trax! box set would give you a good overview and lead you down several rabbit holes depending on what you liked.