
I would say gub is the standout, but if you like it, there is plenty more to explore.

How about in Sirius years?

Who coincidentally just celebrated his 60th birthday a few days ago.

Am I correct in guessing that most lakes in Maine are freshwater? If so WTF was the deal with all the wells being dry and water for crops or to drink? Just run a fucking hose to the lake.

Maybe they will come out of the crysa…. ah fuck it Joe, the damn cocoon.

AVClub has a modified disqus system. I think if you just registered here, you will need to make a new 'generic' disqus account. After you do that you can attempt to link them, but it is not always successful.

But with endless reruns…

Yeah, how is the first interview question not:

I enjoyed it but I did get a Linklater pseudo-philosophical/intellectual feel from it, very much like Waking Life.

I enjoyed it but I did get a Linklater pseudo-philosophical/intellectual feel from it, very much like Waking Life.

@Dunk:disqus  Hey, I have videos of my toddler rocking out to the Another Version of the Truth DVD.

There is some really good stuff on Ghosts but I agree, The Fragile was the last album I would obsessively listen to. But I can always blame that on me getting older and having a family that really cuts into my music listening time.

Ahhhhh a joke about Game of Thrones killing off all the characters. Would have been better if she returned for an elaborate meal that went on for several episodes and then settled down for a quiet life.

Yeah, I got a real Stand by Me vibe from the whole movie. Very good.

A Cabin in the Woods for supernatural mystery shows.

*shifty eyes*

Yeah I don't think you can complain about the movie without complaining about the comic. I liked it for what it was but it was no Gates of Fire by Pressfield.

Yeah, Michael Clarke Duncan was a perfect fit. Can we give a shout out for some great casting in bad or mediocre movies?

C1-D1 gets the number of days right? Divide by 7 days to get the number of weeks. Why divide the number of days by 40 (weeks?) won't that just tell you how many days are in a week?I think you lost me. I would just multiply the number of weeks by 24, not the number of

Looks like a private school in Lincoln Park:
Which is good, because I am sure the Tea Party folks would be up in arms about the waste of taxpayer money.