
I find it kind of funny that he cannot stay in character when he is playing.

Hey I am all for lighted cup holders. My wife has them in her car and it is pretty handy while driving in the dark. Not sure of the utility or even fashion sense of changing them.

I don't know if I would classify it quite like that. While clever and cute, it just did not have the depth to make it have the staying power of something like a Coen brothers movie.

And Campbell was relegated to doorman yet again. Getting thumped in the head by the Bad Santa Elf.

St. Elsewhere.

Makes me feel all old when there is a whole generation who know Geraldo more for Fox News than for being an inspiration for Jerry Springer.

"He used to dip his bald head in oil and rub it all over my body."

We could probably get a good list out of controversial finales alone, Roseanne, Life on Mars, etc.

How about the Dr. Seuss Bible from Kids in the Hall.

You need to work a little harder on the gimmick account:

The snark runs so deep here, sometimes it is like spotting a poe.

I was a little worried they were going to go there when he chased her. Surprisingly, he gave her space.

For some reason I did not catch that that was Samantha Mathis, I kept thinking she was cute, now I know why.

I thought Reddit was 40% of all Internet content, 20% of which is actually from 4Chan. And we all know what the juicy juicy 60% left is.

According to news from the last couple of years some places are on slightly different calendars.

Slowing down? Sure it may not seem like much since we lived through it but we got the Internet in those 30 years. I would say the information revolution is at least as disruptive to society as the industrial revolution. It is just hard to look at since it is still going on. In 100 years they will be studying the early

Is it good, yes. Is it long, complicated and dragging at times, yes. It is much more traditional and black/white than George RR Martin, but if you like epic fantasy, it is pretty much essential reading.

Yep, here's a rabbit hole for you:

Who are these idiots who are describing Confederacy as boring or depressing? Everyone I know loves it and while there may be a few English majors in there, not all of us are.

No real Spoilers, I would have thought that given the ending to the first that it would be easy to serialize but given the direction the second went I think movie or mini-series is better.