
Having just read Neonomican, I am not sure even HBO is ready for that, though I am now imagining a kind of x-rated Torchwood.

Not as many adult situations as GOT, it really would be more PG-13. Also the magic system would be hard to convey. The world of dreams would eat up all the budget but it would be very cool to see.

I think you are giving too much credit to the novel. It was interesting as zombie short stories, but it was a big case of too much telling instead of showing.

It would be cool just to get a serialized "adventures of the cursed Nazi gold." It could jump all around in time and space.

If you just want to enjoy the chanting you can just turn it off before it gets to 1:25 or so, perfectly SFW, if a bit weird before then.

Jeunet is not a bad comparison. Maybe a bit more concerned with film and weird structure as opposed to plot and whimsy, but at least in the same ballpark. Certainly closer to Jeunet than he would be to Terry Gilliam.

Jeunet is not a bad comparison. Maybe a bit more concerned with film and weird structure as opposed to plot and whimsy, but at least in the same ballpark. Certainly closer to Jeunet than he would be to Terry Gilliam.

Same situation here, just grin and bear it. Get her off as quick as possible and go wash up. You can also just try some manual manipulation, over clothes if needed.

My wife is in to it, not sure why. To me it either looks like manikins or hairless animals. It really gets into the uncanny valley at times.

I don't even own a Sarah Palin.

But we still can't go there right? Because if that has changed I need some tasty tasty chicken like right now.

Perhaps it is because you feel like you know them. There is a vicarious thrill to thinking about people you know.

Yeah the premise was flawed from the start, the writers thought they would be writing a hero-of-the-week type serial instead of the plot driven ensemble piece that turned out to be more popular. What we got was two opposing forces trying to turn the show one way or the other and not doing a good job at either.

Really, why throw in two items with no real relation to the show when there are perfectly good replacements? I don't remember a pail of limbs unless they are making some commentary about Glenn in the well.

And probably not very helpful in actually fighting zombies.

already done below

I so much wanted the hidden words to be this.

I got the feeling that things had happened in the cabin for decades. Yes the cats and burnt pole were fairly "fresh" but there is a reason their mother was insane.

O'Neal further commented on how his new Ford Fiesta is the only car suitable for pop culture road trips and really you should go get one right now because it can turn the AC on through just the sound of your snarky voice.