
But in 2002 he added "on the internet" and re-filed for another 20 year term.

Hey I have it on good TLC authority that the Amish are using all kids of electronics and getting up to sexy high jinks in New York City.

We must be in the middle group, the older people are still watching tv and the younger are on their mobile devices. Hard to say if the balance will shift as the older group dies off and we move into their spots. I have to figure a lot of work will still be done on some type of desktop, even if the device itself is

True though I wonder how many pageant people have seen that movie.

Thanks for justifying all our stereotypes about fraternities.

70? for a woman? Maybe in Bangledesh:
But for most Western countries you can expect at least 80 for a woman and 76 for a man.

As a fan, I kind of agree. I had hoped I would be able to see them in much more intimate venues by this time. Instead I can't even see them in a stadium because the only place close to me they are playing is fucking lollapalooza.

I have walked past Boing Boing (happy mutant) get togethers. It was a bit weird and they tend to be a bit granola for me so I did not join them.

@EvelKareebel:disqus When you stumble on that term let me know. There has to also be something between BBW and a size 0. Where o' where is the category for girls who are 20-30 lbs overweight?

I am sure there was a schism at some point and now they hold separate conventions, albeit in the same hotel at the same time.

"For me, this would be enough of a red flag to back away"

Surely. The TI is WAY less creepy.

Big blue NO

Because muricans don't go to the movies to read dammit!

Not always, see also 1985's Summer Rental with John Candy. Sad what films I remember from the '80s just for kick-starting my puberty.

I think Barbie fits the Prof role better. I always thought there was something swarmy about him. There was probably some Dr. Moreau type shit in his past.

A short sidetrack in Crichton's Sphere when the dome rolls down a hill and falls into the ocean.

The bid page linked above is faster to take a glance if you don't want to wait.

Just a warning, she was not kidding, that is a huge PDF.