
MST3K movies have the excuses of being old and low budget, but people were still trying to make something that would make money for them.

Yeah, it is a good start. The great thing is if you don't end up liking the Watch novels that much, you can just switch right over to Rincewind, Death or the Witches.

A fetus has unique human DNA, but I would not call it human until it is pretty far along in development.

A financial point? As a father, no, I will have to respectfully disagree.

That one is not even funny. At least David and Amber look kind of cute together.

The memes are flying high and burning up quickly on re-entry.

And clipping my fingernails is unfair to the massive colonies of e. coli growing in there. Your point being?

oops, bad math, they are a year and a half on the wrong side of that equation.

How about this? When you have to carry and nurture a parasite in your stomach for 9 months, THEN you can make the abortion decision.

Actually 19, just squeezing into that 1/2 plus 7 rule I recently learned about thanks to the Savage Love comments.

But it just seemed like it was stupid to be stupid. They did not even care about shit like the sky changing from sunny to cloudy to sunny from one shot to the next. And they used tons of stock footage.
I think you have to at least try to make a decent movie in order for people to ridicule it.

Yeah that would have been some after-school special type of irony there.

Thanks to my seven year old daughter, my introduction to all of these pop songs is through their minecraft versions:

That is easy for a fat dildo to say, but what about us optical illusions or those of us with a dick for a nose?

I think Varys would be a fan.

Then it would have to be like legal-size paper to have a legible picture of Gormenghast on the back.

@avclub-1d04064d540beb34e0cc414561bc6f35:disqus No, the fact that he was a fearmongering idiot with a lot of manipulative advisors says it all.

Sadly, Reagan is looking pretty likely at some point.

Hey you got your penis in my pennies!

@avclub-ff1903374d50b87e7bfb6e26acee96ca:disqus But it also has one of the funniest: