
@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus yeah , that is deliberate on the part of the publishers. Can't have the 'free' version easier to get than the paid version. Even though libraries have been doing this for over a century without negatively impacting their bottom line (most of us would contend we create fans of the authors and

As a straight male from a small town I can say Python and Kids in the Hall were my first introductions to positive portrayals of homosexuality. Sure we can look back now and find some issues with stereotypes but for the time periods they were pretty progressive.

The Gone-Away World is great, hilarious and imaginative. I liked his second novel, Angelmaker too.

And that chart:
they mention in the article is a great guide, I used an earlier version of it when I finally picked them up about 6 years ago.

As another librarian, I should also mention that if you are not eligible for a library card where you find the title, it is likely your local library can still get it for you through the inter-library loan system or ILL.

If you get that far, just be sure to stop reading the Sword of Truth books after #6, trust me, nothing after that is worth it. 1-3 are decent, 4-5 are bit of a slog but 6 is pretty good and decent place to stop.

I did not like Heart-Shaped Box at all, just kind of boring. Horns was a little better but now I am hesitant to pick up the Nos4a2 brick.

edit: Sorry, comment on the MT Anderson Feed, not Mira Grant.

***Defends profession***

According to Goodreads, my last Wheel of Time re-read took about 7 months, but I only get 1-2 hours of quality reading time in per day. I did mix in two or three other novels in there so maybe more like 6 months.

Not to mention the word "Flowers" right there in the title. I don't care how creepy the house looks.

correction: it is a complete impossibility to do correctly
I did not try the Wheel of Time game, but I thought the trailer looked promising, so maybe there is a possibility of an all CGI/animated version that could work, though it would probably have to be at least 100 hours or 10 Game of Thrones seasons.

Yeah they got stuck with Darrell Sweet at the start. He died before doing the last one so this one is actually better than his sketches.

If you have the ability to stop yourself after book 6. It starts to get preachy and annoying before then, but it is a pretty satisfying conclusion. Seriously though, do not even think about picking up anything after that or I will have to smack you.

That and Sanderson's description of jizzing himself when he got to sit in Jordan's chair, touching his 'swords' and reading the last chapter.

If you read the Leigh Butler summaries linked above you will get all the best scenes. Her chapter by chapter summaries are sometimes almost as long as the chapters so I don't know that you can read all those in an afternoon, but several days compared to several weeks.

It is a fantasy series…of course there is a big lumbering lovable sidekick.

You're lucky, I picked it up when I was 18 and did not finish until I was 38. 
I picked up Game of Thrones when I was 22, who know how the fuck old I will be when that wraps up. Seriously with the split of books 4-5 there were some characters we did not catch up to for a decade.

@avclub-a02b31e615fdb0ca3dbb5ca5408da418:disqus I don't think the wolves were great masters. Even Hopper was afraid to try certain things.