
Seriously though I am sure that little made-for-TV movie was 10x as good as this will be.

Never should have gone out on the boy scout picnic!

I was thinking about Mark Borchardt

The only thing on TV that makes me skip past quickly while my kid is in the room is Toddlers in Tiaras.

They are much firmer now.

Hell I still get a little misty listening to that song.

Being a fan that was my choice for a while, but it is a bit too bleak. I would probably go with one of the more instrumental pieces off The Fragile. Probably "La Mer"

Isn't Tony Stark the definition of insufferable?

If they want the same look, Jon Hamm.

Clark Kent is how Superman views humans.

@Nudeviking:disqus Gah! that is no random 80's boobage! That is Linnea Quigley sporting a flesh colored merkin. I mean just check out her filmography: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

Survival of the Dead (2010) straight to dvd.

Late-teen female, independent, good sense of humour, fit.
Jaina Solo
Young twenty-something male, witty and smart, fit but not traditionally good looking.
Ben Skywalker
A late twentysomething male, fit, handsome and confident.
Jacen Solo
Seventy-something male, with strong opinions and tough demeanour. Also doesn’ t need to

The spectre of Natalie Portman.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus The difference between the atheist and the religious fanatic is that the atheist really would not give two shits about religion or its absence if it were not trying to screw up the entire world all the time.

I have doing a slow, modified couch to 5k for the past 4 months. 30 minutes on the treadmill 5 days a week. When I started my pace was around a 17 minute mile, today I did 12:45 (jogging the entire time.)

Rearrange the desk so your monitor cannot be seen from outside the room. It is perfectly acceptable to do this when you first move in. If you do it later it may seem suspicious.

dammit, cargo shorts are out now? My whole leg wardrobe is Dockers and cargo shorts.

for whom the bell tolls

I dated a wiccan in college, I quickly found out she was just as nutty and serious as any fundamentalist Christian. Which is what her family was that she was rebelling against. I can only suppose she has gone back into the fold and now repents her days of dancing with the devil or some other such crap.