
I grew up in a rural area in the 1980's. I would not say my grandfather was overtly racist, but he definitely grew up in an earlier time and was known to occasionally throw out the N word. One summer day when I was about 4, I am riding in his car with the rest of the family and the windows rolled down in a nearby but

No loneliness does not do that. I went through a number of dry spells and there is no excuse for creeping on a woman. Quick glance, then deliberately look away or at their face, it is not that hard.

oh, screw it, I'm not editing it.

I recently built a tilted wall mount for a PC monitor in front of my treadmill with a bit of picture wire and 1x4s that I am pretty proud of.

I would try to put all the jpgs on the right into one div and setting the height in the css.

Observe the campground rule.

@avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus The only thing I could think of would be child porn. I think that would be a difficult case to make if it is purely voice and text but if they made videos and she in any way could appear under 18…

She was in love with Renly. She was not just loyal to him because she thought he would be a good king, she thought he was the hottest thing ever. 
You have to get over the stereotype of a big, burly unattractive (in the book) woman being lesbian.

Of course *spoilers* in the book when he gets back to Kings Landing he and Cersie have a bit of passion right there in the church.

Why did they need to keep Weyland in hiding? 
Was David just fucking with that guy by putting the goo in his drink? Did he know that they would have sex?

Were the engineers killed by the black goo? If so why were they all running TOWARD the door where it was kept?

Boomer? Sorry Highlander is definitely gen X material.

Why don't you go ahead and have a seat right on that stool for me please.

I liked Filth Pig, you just have to drop your expectations of a Ministry album and enjoy it as a sidetrip into metal.

See, now why couldn't this be a caption contest image? So many good ones. Enough of the dazed and confused looking into the distance.

No, it has not been Ministry for about 15 years now.

@avclub-ed0871ac01726144474982051e55c5f4:disqus Agree though the only reason X-Men is on there is because the first movie was good enough to do well and it beat the others out of the gate. It could have easily been in the second tier with the Fantastic Four, Thor and Captain America. Hulk is one franchise that should

Some people preferred it to the Raimi ones because it was a bit more true to the source material. I thought it was alright but I preferred the first two Raimi ones. It is better than emo spiderman vs wimpy venom though, I don't think anyone would argue that.