
Literally! I have only eaten there once, fuck!

Forget her shorts, what is up with his jacket? Is it really a jacket or some kind of sweater made to look like a jacket?

Too soon!

I thought it meant rainbow party.

But is it better or worse than Superman Returns?

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus How exactly does a man approach a woman for a one night stand without coming off as a creeper?

My mom could not get a babysitter so I saw Alien in the theater when I was 3. Still remember the face hugger and a trailer for The Shining with the elevator of blood. I also saw The Howling at a young age which was not so good since we lived in the boondocks with coyotes howling every night.
I of course have continued

Huh, so that is what that minus sign does. I guess I enjoy most threads so much I never even thought about it.

@avclub-6957d57f51702451feab5353e295fbda:disqus I think their criteria for the write-up was the entire episode, not just a segment. Lame I know, but I guess they had to make up some rules or otherwise it would be hodgepodge of small clips.

Probably the same 15 minute clip everyone has. I think they wanted even the non-Jon Stewart stuff.

Others have mentioned it, but I think it is a good fit that Tyrion may go the Othello route and kill her through some machinations of his father or Pycell even though she really did not betray him.

I think we are ok for season 5 if they start recombining the elements from books 4-5. They should never have been split into two books in the first place.

Man wouldn't it piss off all the newbies if we spent the first few episodes just in Dorne?

@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus The show's prop builders: "How are we going to sew a dummy wolf head on a headless human dummy and keep it secure enough to sit on a moving horse? 2 days later, aw fuck it, just tie it to some 2x4s, the scene is only 5 seconds long."

Game of Thrones so slowly changed into a treatise on the treatment and rehabilitation of wounded war veterans that no one noticed.

The scale is more along the lines of the UK, so I would say it is more like sailing from the Isle of Man to Edinburgh, but still quite a trip.

They are raiders, not a siege army. Theon took Winterfell with less. Most of the Bolton army is probably still at the Twins.

@avclub-95d952510e02ffba7fa228e4d43866cb:disqus But that is how they did it in the books too. You forgot all about Stannis getting the letter when he comes to save the day.

Hmm that raises a disturbing possibility I had not thought of before. What if Tyrion goes looking for Shae instead of Tysha. I doubt it happens because it messes up his motivations in killing his father, so yeah either Tywin kills her or Tyrion thinks she betrayed him. Given this episode, it is likely that whatever