
@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus Jon does not get elected to Lord Commander until after the battle. At first I thought they might end the 4th season with Jon arrested after his heroics during the siege, but now with Stannis already on his way that will have to be resolved a bit sooner.

What da fuck did they do to Benicio?
Someone's got to pay!

"Why are there all these pictures of old British guys' faces on our bodies?"

Didn't hat already win one? What does NPR say? Previous winners should sit on their hands and let someone else play. :)

Pictured: Ennui

"I'm coming up with a blank"

Man talk about bad hair choices, I have had them.

@avclub-94d231f11cdc1fae024849f33f7a7156:disqus I don't know that it has the heft of Godwin's Law or Rule 34, maybe a "Sheeple Hypothesis"?

I have even been thanked by newbs on other sites for expanding on a bit of backstory that is just hinted at in the show.

*hides picture of self from 1994 looking like Gutter from PCU*

I am hoping it will be like Fishing with John.

I don't know, I remember her being pretty hot back in the day. Of course Sara Gilbert is my age so there is a decade between them which makes it bit less hot, but still makes me feel a little tingly.

I've already forgotten what Sawyer's real name is.

Commodification? Hell, I had an "Underachiever and proud of it" button back in 1991. They have never turned down a quick buck, but they have made fun of it as well.

@avclub-9acf7344ec50993b012999f76196c4c6:disqus "The cute as a species don't age well."

Hey, I just went to my 20th reunion! But to be fair, I went to a really small school so we all had to play more than one role. So I was a D&D nerd who also played football listened to metal.
It was funny how after the niceties of saying hello to everyone we went right back to our cliques and did not talk to anyone else

A moose once bit my sister.

"Like peanut butter, brown, smooth and easy to spread"

But even though men can have children later in life, that does not mean they want to be mistaken for the child's grandfather. I definitely wanted my kids born before I was 40 just so I could be sure to get them out of the house before retirement.