
Obviously he wants lots of tissues.

Didn't you hear? Dan is writing for Maxim now.

Dan's husband does look a bit like Loras.

"Yes, God did exist, he died. He was very small. Mystery solved."

This soup is great! what's in it?

How much would a job like that pay?

Me too, growing up in the rural midwest in the '80s and '90s, there was not a lot of positive portrayals of homosexuality. Not only Scott, but the fact that all these other straight guys were friends with him and liked dressing up as women.
Like O'Neal said the cross dressing was played a lot more straight than Monty

And I figured I was a big fan because I had them recorded on VHS and then got on the Broadway Video mailing list just to get the DVD pre-orders with the special extras. I still have my "TV rots your brain like crack cocaine" trucker hat somewhere.

I will put a good word in for Ideal. Sure it goes off the rails a bit in the latter seasons, but I always enjoying some absurdist British pot humor with just the right amount of heart. Plus it has Walder Frey: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Dammit I used to enjoy that insanity and now I had to go back to wikipedia to refresh my memory of what happened to her after the show. Fuck!! I forgot she had a daughter in 2006, her 20 year old son died a few days after the baby was born and Anna died just a few months later.

I am not too interested in Glass, but it is the first step to something really different and that is augmented reality. Imagine having a floating arrow on the sidewalk in front of you giving you directions. Or having a distant acquaintance's name and brief bio pop up over their head as they are walking up to talk to

*starts copying sexual harassment claim forms*

I perversely like the idea that Rhaegar was the chosen one/savior and that all of this is for naught. Kind of like those old infocom games where is you forgot to pick up a napkin in the first room you are in, you end up dying at the end.

Hmm, what if 
It really is not Gregor inside Ser Robert Strong's armor?

I don't think I was one of the ones to attack you, but to be honest and fair it did seem like some of your critiques were of the variety, "This show sucks because the characters are poorly written." Which is a fine opinion to have, but leads some to wonder why you are bothering.

Agreed, I think we see the PW within the first 5 episodes next season. That leaves plenty of time to bring Dorne and the Red Viper into focus. Though we do have all the wall stuff to deal with plus Meereen. I think next season will be pretty crammed full, it is a good thing they split the book. Tywin and/or the wall

To be fair some are supposed to be written as one dimensional. Martin did that on purpose to subvert expectations.

Yeah, the game of thrones is really just a dangerous distraction from the ice and fire.

Hey, we are pretty good around here. No one has made up a user name with an embedded spoiler yet. 
We kept the Red Wedding under wraps referring to it as RW. Now we can all relax and get back to commenting about the PW.

@Scrawler2:disqus In the books they were a lot more wary, especially Cat. Surprisingly it was telegraphed more in the books, but even so was even more surprising.
@avclub-1f93a5d50953fac07d7e6f54827ce9bc:disqus I think the spectacle was what Frey wanted. He wants to be as feared as Tywin, hence playing of the Reynes of