
Guns must always be cocked at the last minute, even if they were cocked already. Many perfectly good shotgun shells have been ejected just to get that satisfying chunk-chunk.

Arya was a close 2nd place for my daughter's name in 2006. My non-reader wife is watching the show now. She said that would have definitely been her name if she had only known then.

@Dikachu:disqus Robb really is supposed to be two-dimensional. In a traditional fantasy series he would be the hero. All honor, avenging his father, amazing tactician, wolf-myths, marrying for love, etc. His death subverts all those tropes much more so than Ned's death did.
Frey is dumb enough to think that he can pull

I think they can pad out the march and invasion of Meereen to be pretty interesting. Remember the impaled slaves?

Damn I forgot that all the wall stuff happens at the end of book 3. So for next season we have PW, Viper/Mountain, battle of the wall, Tyrion/Tywin, Arya/Hound, the Eyrie and Meereen.

I imagine a brief Coldhands reveal at the end, a mysterious cloaked figure saving them from some wights and then they really see that he is not human, then credits.

The Cafeteria Worker of Unconventional Obstetrics.

@avclub-85b71bdbb78582bacb640bad3659cc67:disqus  She did kill the stable boy in season 1 but it was played a bit unintentional. They are stretching her arc a bit but I am ok with it as long as we get where we need to be.

I think they can cover that by a few throw-away lines about how everyone hates the Freys and they get all the 'bad press' for the RW while the Lannisters come out looking pretty good.

Lol I just reminded my non-reader wife that there are more weddings planned for next season.

First the doors, then the song, finally the chain mail. I think we can forgive Cat for this one.

Yeah I think they hinted at it at Craster's, "He has given us food and shelter" or something like that.


It was surrounded by water right? And they never knew Jon was there.

I hear they used Barney's head to stand in for Grey Wind.

I got home last night and noticed my non-reader wife on the tablet. Did not know what she was watching until I hear "Ahhhhhhhhhhggrrrrrrrrr."

A swords needs a sheath.

Tyrion in a cell for a season vs Tyrion in a boat for a season. Tyrion lovers are in for a slog.

For a moment I thought that was what Arya would do. It would be even more upsetting to her if she saw him die after she set him free.