
I think we need Coldhands before Bran and Sam can meet.

Hmmm, Tyrion and Ned, both opposed to the tradition of the bedding ceremony. Edmure was practically cackling with glee. Robb smiles at the tradition. Wonder how Joffery will feel about it…oh wait…

I don't think it was that she figured it out, but that she wanted a good retort that would actually get to him. More like "I can show you that you are no better than me." I love how she continues to impress him. Call her weak and she clubs an old man upside the head.

Also for the book conspiracy theorists who keep insisting that that line proves Jaime helped set it up despite the various evidence to the contrary.

Stemroach is one scary motherfucker.

Well, maybe self aware, but also cuckoo for coca puffs.

I loved the gravelly sound of her voice as she begged for Robb, but I could accept mute or something more unnatural for Stoneheart.

I was just hoping they would have a quick shot of Bran licking his lips after feasting on that wildling's throat.

@avclub-6e3b2cb658a36cff9d66c3371c46c4a6:disqus But she definitely lost it after Robb was stabbed. Man, that scream… that face…

Yeah and not your average, 'Hey I think I might throw up type of barfing either." It's all "You will uncontrollably projectile vomit until nothing is left and then we will start on the dry heaves."

It says here that they are bringing back Danny DeVito as the Penguin and just want you to narrate? No, if I were you, I would not be comfortable with that either.

You got how much for talking about penguins?!? Let me see that check.

Nice but seems a bit too close to Bane.

The full unedited broken movie is available on torrent. Trent posted it on vimeo a while back but it was taken down.
I am more of a Wish kind of guy, but yeah if I were to take a trip on the wild side it would be Trent. I still have an almost life size poster in my garage somewhere.

Drew Barrymore is only one month younger than me, so yeah, probably since Firestarter. E.T. was a little too early for a crush. Then like everyone else, Alyssa Milano. Punky Brewster. Brunette tomboys in general.

What's to worry about? @Scrawler2:disqus mentions questioning her sexuality about once a week. And once a week hundreds of commenters sit up straight and start paying close attention.

Yeah I much preferred her in the early years. As long as she is healthy, that is great, but it is interesting how that moved her right out of my 'type'.

See, I thought the 'on the nose' songs were fun, part of the winking at the audience (the white rabbit being a prime example.) Sure not subtle like the boom slowed-down music in Inception, but it is not supposed to be. It is probably even trying to subvert that kind of introspection.

Agree, I would take the worst Snyder over the best Bay any time. At worst you could call them spectacular failures. Perhaps trying too hard to live up to the source material.

Did Adam and Eve have navels?