
Where is T-Dog when you need him?

Lost book, had to pay up before his loan was approved.

Seriously, we once had a guy who could not complete the purchase of his house because of a $25 library bill we had sent to the collection agency.

Also it would give the PTC the political capital to try to get congress to pass some (probably unconstitutional) law. If they police themselves like the MPAA does with bullshit arbitrary ratings then both they and congress have an out. And we avoid years of legal battles. If I were more sure of the Supreme Court, I

I have never found it that hard to find parking in Chicago. Plenty of garages (that you will pay out the nose for) if you don't want the hassle of the street. But as long as you follow the signs and don't mind walking a few blocks you are fine.
Not like San Francisco which based on my limited experience has not yet

I dated a woman who was 30 when I was 20. Seemed to work out ok for both of us for a short while.

Embarrassing for Mrs. Nothing:
She is getting new carpet installed in her business. One of her elderly volunteers (about 75) is walking across an area she does not realize has been covered in carpet glue. She gets one of her crocs stuck and kind of falls/sits. When she does her dress gets pulled down. For some reason

So is that why Erik Adams was trying to write like him? I was all confused on the CBS article.

Watch out Sean O'Neal, looks like Erik Adams is angling for your snark.

Kind of like the first time you try a new drug. Subsequent experiences never quite live up to that first one in some ways.

I like his other stuff fine. Like @avclub-1faab713327e700e42d81a14cb4b60ba:disqus I did not find anything overtly Morman or conservative. I am sure you may be able to tease out a passage here or there, but this is fanatsy for christ's sake, not Hemmingway. I don't think he is actively fighting against gay rights like

Card likes his sexuality hidden by prepubescent naked boys wrestling in a shower.

It is a concern, but he does seem a bit of a workaholic. Plus he is good about updating via his blog. He even has progress bars for each of his projects.

***nowimnothing slowly slides his feet further under the table***

So that is why Total Black Out did not make any sense…

He is busy on his Apocalypse Now reboot.

Did they ever give a rationale for the closing the loop business? I understand why the rainmaker was suddenly closing all the loops, but wha purpose did it serve before then? Were they afraid these assassins would implicate them in their later years?

And he wanted Sansa to be impressed that he did not spill.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus I think he was at Harranhal with Tywin when he charged them with hunting down the Brotherhood.

I like an early review of the new season that said when they riff on The Jersey Shore Beavis and Butthead come across as wise elder statesmen.