
Or that they would burn down the house because Beavis said, "FIRE! FIRE!"

It was more than stupid character choices though, there are some serious issues that prevent the motivations from making sense at all. For example why put the oil in his cup? Was it just to see what it would do? He could not have known they would have had sex so was that just a bonus?
Red Letter Media has a good

I agree, but even in the book, (SPOILERS) it takes a while for the vampire society to emerge from the initial chaos of everyone being very animal-like in their urges. I could buy the main vampire being the first to  start to bring order to the new society and showing Will Smith the horror of what he has been doing.

@avclub-10160acb3881e739b429644b0aa019e5:disqus But at least a significant portion of us understand biology and geography. Probably a lot more important to know that a bat is not a bird. Genetics is quite superior to genealogy in telling you about who you are and where you came from.

Me too, they read it to us at bedtime. Seemed an alright story but I was already into Terry Brooks and Stephen King so it seemed more like it was for smaller kids so I never read the others.

I could forgive the straying from the source material up until the point the woman and boy arrive. The character would never have been caught outside in a sports car for example. But when they show up it is like a big fuck you to the book. The alternate ending is slightly better but I don't understand why they could

Surely there is a tumbler out there of Rick Moranis faces.

Unfortunately for Macy, Jurassic Park 2 exists.

@TCF16:disqus My wife has that swype shit on her phone, uses it all the time, I rage in it's general direction. When I have to use her phone I deliberately push one key at a time with one finger. Maybe it is because I never learned touch typing. I can type pretty fast, but I have to look at the keyboard.

If Tyrion owned the pub and Bronn was his surly bouncer.


Hey I use those on my phone not because I am a lazy 16 year old, but because I have fat sausage fingers that never seem to hit the right keys on a small screen. The less letters I use, the less my rage.

Similar to me, but I went off to college in '93 so I missed the later stuff.

"Dammit, screw you writers, we need to sell more action figures, throw in some more villains." -Universal CEO of Plastic Homunculi, 2006.

Peter Parker waxes poetic about his shit job at the Bugle while thinking about Gwen's huge ass and thighs.

Now we just need Sandra Oh as Tanis Nieves. Can't be any worse than Topher Grace, right?

No, just the World's Greatest Blue-haired Pop Culture Commentator.

@google-0f66834cd3084f5e49ae4196e31fed5f:disqus It seems like they are setting Coldhands up as the three eyed raven or at least the guide who will take him to it. But it is up in the air whether that will be this season or next, not much time left. I expect Sam may get his nickname and meet Coldhands in the last

What do you mean Justin Beiber got my role in the remake of The Beach?!?

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus You do know there are…places…where you can get the laserdisk original versions in a dvd format right? There are also versions which pretty seamlessly integrate whatever level of clean-up you are comfortable with like removing the matte lines etc. You can compare and read