
Yeah, both are great, but I think a lot of the jokes in Better off Dead went over my head. One Crazy Summer was the sweet spot.

@zebbart:disqus Yes fiscal issues may impact people in immediate physical ways, but social issues impact people on a much deeper emotional level. It is dehumanizing when your orientation, lifestyle or morals are called into question. It is fine to be socially conservative, but when you try to spread your beliefs

Who are we kidding here, nothing but PBR tallboys.

No, but strangely enough, chaps and rainbow wigs are.

I got my daughter into them, the are not too bad. try this for some riffing on our nostalgia, If the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon were real RPG:

More mainstream and recognized certainly. Back then they were just mopey punks. Where would we be without The Crow and Tim Burton?

The torn fishnets decrease drag coefficient.

I work in a public library, there is a lot in those books you don't want to know about. A recent listserv thread was about safely eliminating live cockroaches brought back inside the covers.

In the future Google will read your eulogy.

I am a bit worried about the lack of Nymeria mentions in the show. They have introduced the wargs two different ways now though, so maybe they are waiting for pivotal moments to introduce Jon and Arya's abilities.

Cool, Fire Zombies vs Ice Zombies. I had not thought of that before, but it makes sense given the general way the South seems greatly outmatched. They need a few more aces up their sleeve than 3 dragons and some obsidian.

I am willing to give the writers a lot of leeway in adaptations because of the great choices they have made so far. I am sure we all went into this hoping for a word for word translation, but we knew that was not really possible. So far most the adaptations have been as good as if not even better than the books.

Sam, Edd and Gren found the cache, I think they later said they reburied it. I think it is to be assumed Sam kept a souvenir.

Celebrity Jeopardy of course.

My God, open a window!

Help! I cannot put my leg down without pinching my little iron man.

And unlike the 'twist' of The Usual Suspects there are actual clues throughout the movie.

Yep, if this was the rough early test superhero movie that got Jon Favreau, Sam Rami or Joss Whedon into the Marvel universe I think it would be looked upon with a lot more respect.