
The end to Cemetery Man.

Jesus fucking christ on a stick!
I remember reading that and chuckling when it came out. I had not revisited it since…what kind of depraved deals with the devil did those writers have to make in order to see the future?

The space and bonus levels can be challenging, but yeah the lower levels are cake once you get a lightsaber and blaster.

"I want to make a show like Louie, but sexier. For people who find foul mouthed women attractive but think Sarah Silverman is too Jewish."

They are all sure it is going to be bad, but not how bad. The great thing about the show is they have now introduced three possible weddings and not a one of them is the RW. So even if they have been cheating a bit and heard rumblings about the RW it should still come out of left field.

My advice, "fix the tv" so it is stuck on Fox news and won't turn off. Wait for them to be slowly brainwashed into thinking Bill O'Reilly may have a point and that Sean Hannity is cute. They will then lay off the vacuuming of their vaginas and start popping out a brood. Leave the boy infants outside on the balcony as

From the newbie review, " Right now, Robb’s big plan is to attack the Lannister homelands with the help of Walder Frey, whom I remember from season one as a mean piece of shit weirdo played by David Bradley. And then Robb didn’t marry his daughter. So I’m sure that meeting will go just splendidly."

@avclub-f5e9fe6d78bf73228dd1b263395189c4:disqus Yeah, we have not had much of the whole afraid to father a bastard like himself thing have we? Maybe in season 1? That drives him even more than his oath.

I loved the shadows over Tyrion's face when he said that he had already been married. Nice foreshadowing.

"Arya Stark is a Beli….arrrrrrrgh."

And he gets pissed on in American Strays. I guess that says something too.

Kind of like the remake of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Good god was that thing awful.

I am down to just half-assed reading of these reviews, much less painful.

Can we stick Ken Jennings in there?

@avclub-b1930b61fe9011a84ab4eb80af65ec45:disqus Simpsons did it first, 2007 vs 2009.

I think the Dothraki stuff would have been much less cheesy if they had given us a couple of CGI boom shots of the tens of thousands of mounted warriors like they did with the Unsullied. As it was they seemed like a little horse caravan where you kept seeing the same 40 guys.

Yeah my face hurt from the goofy smile I must have had on my face. I think it appeared when we switched to Dany and I saw we still had 10 minutes of the episode left. Fuck, yeah!

The hungry guys in the Night's Watch seemed to like the smell of roasting flesh.