
I saw Pigface at the Metro in Chicago in '94. Fucking craziest show I have ever seen.
Three drummers for most of the set who knows how many guitars, keyboards and singers. Toward the end they threw an inflatable raft out on the crowd and band members rode around in it.
Connelly came on to sing Suck. Everyone thought it

Do you know karate or something?

Welcome to your first decade of repayment! The second decade sucks no less.

@avclub-72c26dade152f790ddc1cb0559c2ba96:disqus Nothing sadder than watching them mess up lines live.

@avclub-72c26dade152f790ddc1cb0559c2ba96:disqus Nothing sadder than watching them mess up lines live.

I took an ancient history course (10,000 BC to 500 AD)  in college during a short 4 week summer session. The TA said we could ask questions but each question would cut out a decade.

A friend and I waited around 13 hours. We felt cool because the nerds brought Star Wars Trivia games, we brought a gallon of wine. We did not feel so cool the next afternoon when it was 90 degrees.

It was so obvious when the tower 7 fell.

Hey don't talk about Ossie Davis like that!

I am not going to defend Family Guy, but seriously, when did this change to the BB system on the American Family Association website?

"Kingdom Come"

Hey! Manowar got us through many long middle school D&D nights.

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus I think the fake horn lends more urgency to Jon, plus it could have created more tension while he is living with the wildlings. Tension that could have been heightened by a certain red-head sharing his bed and making him break yet another vow (not only the one to the

Managing to make a turf grass with the same properties as Marijuana is pretty damn heroic in my mind.

They did have the early 90's college cliques down though. Much more relevant than the divisions highlighted in Animal House or Revenge of the Nerds.

I don't know if satisfy is the right word, but yeah I don't feel the hate for the prequels that some do. I would rate TPM at the bottom of the 6 but RoTJ is number 5. RoTS ranks just below ESB.

Me too! Whenever I watch Slither and see the credits I have always imagined Ted Levine behind the camera. I know it is wrong, but it just seems right.

Yeah I like that he is an attractive, seemingly like-able young man instead of some kind of monster. Since he was introduced as Reek in the book, I don't think I thought of Ramsay that way.

Yeah, two-handed Jamie was just an incestuous swordmaster who threw kids out of windows. One handed-Jaime has to reconsider who he is and what he stands for when his one real defining feature (his sword skill) is gone. Martin does a great job showing how that changes him. Actually Martin does a pretty good job with

I would guess that event will get a title hint so we should know before the season starts.