
Tormund Giantsbane said it was a fake, that Mance never found the real one. This leaves open the possibility the walkers can take down the wall and the magic shield that protects the South. It would be pretty anti-climatic if the walkers were never able to breach the wall and ravage the South.I assume the armies of

We have 5 more episodes to show Bolton next to Robb and to connect him more with the guys that will ransom Jaime as well as his bastard. They can't give too much else away or they will spoil the surprise.

Yeah I wonder when and how they are going to reveal that. It is obvious even from the credits that it is a smoking ruin. From the TV show I don't think there is any indication where Theon is even being held. I assume it is the Dreadfort?

That would probably be too many locations and complications for this series. 
She does take Yunkai before Meereen, so maybe they will just combine those two cities. Does she really need to liberate three slave cities before the end of season 4? Season 5 would largely be in Meereen.

So many times in this episode I loved the choices the writers made. The intro of Blackfish and Edmure said so much without saying a word.

But they already found the dragonglass right? I assumed Mormont has it.

I am too, but we should get more of him with Robb and maybe even connections with the expanded Theon and Ramsay happy hour. Take those and add the Bolton men holding Jaime and I think we have enough to set him up properly at Robb's side during the RW and give him Jaime Lannister's regards.

LSD + nitrous

I liked where he kept finding that Dr. Gonzo had slipped away without him noticing. "My attorney…"

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus Dammit, he can learn like the rest of us: snort it a few times, get the spins, projectile vomit and figure that's enough of that.

The pod race from Ep 1 is pretty fucking cool in that state. Also really enjoyed The Cell, the bad acting just made me think it was on purpose and there was some other hidden plot. The visuals were great though.

Theme Park, Roller Coasters and Water Park. Not advised if you are inexperienced but fucking amazing if you can handle your shit and have a safe place to retreat to (van, bus). We could not figure how to strap ourselves into one ride and the ride attendant's instructions sounded like Charlie Brown's teachers.

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus I don't think he was an addict, at least not a hard core one. With the messed up chronology it is not clear how often he is using.

He is related to the other Payne but I don't think we want to speculate about his cock.

I assume it will come during the flight from Craster's.

She will remember who he is after Ep 9.

Plus the ransom of Jamie gives them a reason to talk to Tywin and sets up the possibility of a deal before the RW. So a big change but for efficiency and clarity I can accept it.

I would have preferred if they kept the romance and introduced the horn before sending Jon to the Wall. Unless Ygritte goes with them? I don't think their relationship has progressed enough for it to bear the weight it needs to later.

But with his reveal moved forward, it makes me wonder what he will do that he has to win his way back to Daenerys' good graces by going on the raid.

Talisa was more right than she knows.