
unbesmirched??? Would you like to step over here for a minute, I think we have your table ready.


I like that they stretched out the anticipation for that. That will probably be her moment of awesome for this season and there will not be much for her to do after that. This is assuming Meereen is next season.

I was out of college by 1999 and I figured South Park explained it well enough.

They should bring back the avclub viral video segment so we can keep up to date. I have a 7 year old with a tablet, so I know far more than I want to about youtube fads. I recently got her headphones, so it is a bit better, but still wants to share the "funniest thing in the world" with me far too often.

The Drasticles featuring Johhny Krill, Not Dead Ted and Grand Maul Granny!

I knew it was bad when I started to recognize the models in different catalogs were the same women.

Misogyny, Dead Island Riptide style.

*See Article 1 for non-normative definitions of freedom.

It was mostly taint.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus Well it is squatting on top of Penn Station for one!

@avclub-8b59528c5bbf7073061271c79ba0e1e0:disqus But due to the loose nature of the broken system you can patent ideas. Though that takes us down a whole different road of intellectual property fuckups.

Sorry, my fault, it is just before that, 3:22 after Bran talks to Jojen in the dream, he wakes up, sits up and both wolves are there.
So beginning of the scene rather than the end, sorry if I drove you to distraction.

"Orange and yellow space mercenary knit hat with ear flaps and pom pom"

I think your are confusing dumb characters with some smart comedy. I am not saying it is the best written, but there is some great timing in the jokes.

What about little Jerry?

She was making one in Bran's room but she just told Jon to get out.

I figured those guys were the Stark loyalists Jamie and Brienne kill. I will disappointed next week if it just cuts to them captured. They still had their swords as the small group advanced.

What do you mean? Shaggydog gets more screen time than Rickon! In this episode you could see him behind Summer right before Rickon runs off. He is the black one.
