
@avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus Trust me, do not google that to check for compliance with Rule 34.

But he has to pay $100 bucks.

$30,000 for a plastic prop? Damn I am in the wrong line of business.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

She is kind of like egg nog, nice on special occasions a few times a year, but not on a regular basis.

@avclub-b3e157f795f95a0eeddae30fc92ebd3d:disqus The reason there is no value is not that the source creation has no value, but that a digital copy has an infinite supply. Copyright tries to create extra value through artificially limiting this supply. It worked ok when the means to create copies was more difficult.

@avclub-8b59528c5bbf7073061271c79ba0e1e0:disqus I think we may have to agree to disagree on your first sentence. Because if we go with your assumption that humanity does not have a right to our common knowledge then everything that is essential and beneficial to life is subject to vagaries of supply/demand and wealth.

I assume they sold him to Ramsay in exchange for their freedom and Winterfell. They removed the Ramsay as Reek double-cross. The reveal in the books about Theon's fate is not until the Red Wedding but he does not really show back up until ADWD so we are getting some stuff that happened off screen in the books.

I just liked that we got several more scenes with the wolves.

There are a lot bigger jerks than Jaime. Hell Jamie is downright saintly compared to quite a few.

It was definitely in the books when Bran was comatose  not sure if it popped up again later. It symbolizes the 7 Gods.

Yeah going by seasons 1-2, ep 9 is always the "Oh Shit" one and ten sets us up for next season.

Robert Arryan is a boy burning ants, Joffery is mutilating small mammals on his way to fitting in with the Boltons.

Plus despite similarities, Westeros is not 15th century Europe. There are a few differences, sexual mores being one. This may be due to the religious differences between the 7 Gods and the Catholic Church as well as the general smaller influence the church has on politics.

Depends on who had more real political power.

Shae's increased likability makes that final act work even more in my mind. Hopefully they keep it. A pretty bad day for Tyrion.

She did need to be taken down a peg or two especially for her later adventures in humility but I thought there was a small bit of acknowledgement when in the woods he called her dangerous. It just was not clear if it was mocking or not. It should be clear to him that she at least knows how to stand and hold a sword.

Which just means it is better than 99% of what is on TV right now.

I am sure the announcement of the nuptials should give Tyrion some headaches and heartaches via Shae. Those could be drawn out of a couple of episodes.