
Birgette Silverbow?

I just took that as more a reluctance to talk about war than of actively hiding information. Maybe I am wrong though.

Yeah I am wondering if any of the non-book people caught that hint. Loved that detail.

Yeah I think that is the biggest worry coming out of the indeterminate nature of Bran and Rickon's fate. Cat needs to be disintegrating from within as she endures one death after another. Not sure what the benefit of changing this is since they did keep Theon's ruse with the little kids. Maybe they will give her that

So did any of the newbies catch on to the subtle hint from the banner and the shots of how Theon is tied up? I loved that.

Too much hate on Bran, sure it takes him a while to get there but by book 6 I think his importance to the end of the series is pretty clear. Not that it is clear what he will do, just that he will be doing something pretty meaningful.

Yeah that rescue attempt is either a set-up or going to end very poorly. I don't think that was in the books was it?

I was disappointed with Arya's little show off for Thoros too. I know she needs a dose of reality, but just a tiny acknowledgment that she knew how to stand or hold the sword would have been very cool.

I am a librarian and I am solidly with  @avclub-e65eb6ba3701c107cdd1eb43da31f6e2:disqus , what we are talking about is information. It does not matter if some see it as purely entertainment, therefore a luxury that others can do without, that is bullshit. We all have an inherent right to our collective knowledge. Even

Of course we only get her side of the story. It seems he was willing to acquiesce to her initial demands for a slower bike (which is not any safer if we are talking about getting hit by other drivers.) Overall, yes motorcycles are dangerous but I don't know that I would put it up there with picking a hobby like rock

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus sad clown

And now we know why the Commies exist.

Remembering your safe word is half the battle.

@avclub-73d66a6a344a15201f9a15107723c9e6:disqus I think the difference is that Dr Who is a sci-fi show with alien technology, cue Arthur C Clarke. Revolution's central premise revolves around an amorphous technology that has no distinct boundaries other than what is required by the plot. For example gasoline engines

Don't follow the gourd, it's the shoe!

So that is why they lingered on that foreground shot of a bike without a wheel right when they got to the rebel base.

Since there was only an amplifier on one helicopter we have to assume its range is at least several hundred feet due to how far apart we see the helicopters moving. Does this mean that all the electronics on the ground, such as the RPG could have gotten powered up without the dinky amulet?

I did not watch the last few episodes last fall, guess I did not miss much. I laughed out loud when Danny got shot though. At least the show can surprise me. I did not figure they had the guts to go there.

@avclub-b9a8f4af85454f7c56c06f0a39e7ec23:disqus  why not? HBO could easily set it up so that only a set number of people could be logged in with the same account/password at a time.
All content is moving online, if you think we are going to sit around while our fair use and first sale rights go out the window just

I did not even realize my mom had HBO until this past Christmas. Last week I texted her for her account  number. I am pretty unimpressed with HBOGo so far. Maybe it just my crappy comcast internet but some shows look like low rez youtube. They look better on the tablet, but I was pretty used to hd GOT from torrents