
@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus Hey, hey, there! Mr. Bean is great. Atkinson is a master of physical comedy like Keaton or Chaplin. Even my kids are entranced by him. I think the movies diluted the character quite a bit , but if you go back to the original series I think you would be

Damn pirates!

@avclub-416bc7d1d13438fc545ee4d762ba2bc4:disqus Good strategy except when it backfires and the only other couple in the theater are the rude ones. No cover for when you have to shush them. Or if you are all alone and the only other group comes and sits in the very next row.

Did you say there is something wrong with my fuckstick?

A more civilized age when old hermits could give young orphans sage advice and show them their sabers.

I am sure a visit to the Kinsey Library at Indiana University would be required for your research. They have shit there that would turn your hair grey.

The Golden Girls had a fucking mansion.

I don't know, I kind of like the idea of using technology to fool the local citizenry into proclaiming you king for life. Nice gig if you can get it.

Damn, now I miss Castleton Arts.

Is that where they visit the Ikea store in the mall?

Where's @kirkcameronleftmebehind he will get this straightened out.

One of these things is not like the other.

You want a tire, I can get you a tire, dude.

Loved that casting. Hot Lips and that character actor everyone loves but forgets his name.

I think it has to do with alcohol. One morning in New Orleans I might have been seen chasing a float down the street screaming "It's my birthday, give me some beads!" and pushing small children out of the way as I intercepted their beads."

Damn kids, for me it scrambled porn-lite from skinamax and the JCPenny's catalog.

Reminded me of the little brother in Rivers Edge, I think he was in Near Dark too.

I wonder how a snarky Spiderman would fit in an Avengers that has its fill of snarky quips in Tony Stark.