
But I think ASM was hamstrung by all of the items checked off the list in the Raimi one. Yes, they were better at following cannon, but they did not differentiate themselves enough from Raimi. I would have preferred if they went the Ultimate Spiderman route or even come up with an original story. I thought they may do

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus Growing up in a nominally un-churched household I had a similar experience trying to use The Force.
Though one ill-advised church camp I attended one summer did pressure me into getting saved. I thought it was weird I had to say the words out loud. What kind of

Sorry everyone, I was going for the classic Ricky Rachtman response, "Who don't they sound like."

Who do they sound like?

I will retort with "We're in this together"
I guess I saw the album as much more reaching out to others when you are in a low spot and ultimately pretty uplifting. Especially when compared to earlier albums.

The fact girl wants more money.

They are the ones who are going to fuck up our 3D printers because they got their kids busy on this new-fangled magic geek box that can make high capacity magazines that are only slightly worse than what grandpa can whittle up with his pocketknife.and the old oak tree stump in the back yard.

Well they are not for gun control per se:

I cannot watch award shows because I hate the feeling you get when you know that music is about to start. I dislike call-in radio shows for the same reason.

He is great live with The Bears, they did quite a few midwest dates in '07.

Have you listened to anything put out in the last 12 years? I would not call The Fragile self-loathing or immature. Year Zero was a concept album.

Fuck me like a dinosaur!

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I think the consensus on WOT is that the last 5 books Jordan wrote should have been edited into 1-2 great books. Someone remind me why it is so important that Elayne become queen of a shitty ramshackle country with ill-defined borders and no army to speak of.
Sorry, I am

Setting up my mom's HBO Go account next week. She was like ok whatever.

Hey, I know how to commit to a user name/style. Either that or I am just lazy.

@avclub-a93a879594c13c12a83fd45ab289a022:disqus That is alright, thanks for helping fix the keg tap.

After a quick trip to the Wayback Machine… I guess it was kind of blue with green text, but you get the picture: http://imageshack.us/photo/…

I don't mind her voice but I am not sure it is the best fit for the music.

"Hey, I resemble that remark!" - said my 1997 Geocities page.