
Hmm, not sure I like it enough for a road trip to the Vic.

gah! where is The Figuritively Literal Commentor when we need him?

The last good Metallica album is always the one that was out when you were 14.

Because attractive women cannot be in positions of power unless they are hereditary.

Fuck them for getting old and turning into other people. I just watched the trailer for 56 Up and god damn it if that isn't true. Who are these old fucks and what did they do with those cute kids?

Wow, I almost forgot about God Stuff with Joe Bob Briggs.

Sounds like the Seinfeld finale. Not a bad way to end it but not great either.

AVClub has a plan, they use the solo pic for rumors and another one for confirmed stories.

That was just so they could send him back in time to convince a Tattooine hobo lady that he was her virgin miracle baby.

If it were not for my horse. I would not have spent that year in college.

Fisher Stevens has gotten faaaaaaat!

I would have gone with a fat Fisher Stevens, but yeah that is what I thought too.

No, No Jai… over there is the craft services area.

The full 5 film Cremaster Cycle, I know all the criticism, but I did feel a kind of demented wonder while viewing The Order. At the very least it it would be spectacular even if it is awful.

Wow, I remember when Craig Kilbourn left and we all figured that was the end of the Daily Show.

I was in the audience in a mid-90's Jerry Springer show, you can see me a couple of times, I think I still have the VHS.

I took Alive over to a friend's house when she was sick. Had to get the trash can for her, but she soldiered through it.