
You can still get Cemetery Man on DVD. It is out of print and kinda pricey but there even seem to be some unopened copies floating around. I have still have my VHS copy but I know it is also widely available from some popular less than legal sites.

pedantic: Arctic=polar bears Antarctic=penguins and never the twain shall meet.

Probably get a lot of first season Lost comparisons.

I don't remember a lot of jackhammering, more "boobies!" and strategically placed sheets. Pretty tame stuff by today's standards.

They don't call it Skinamax for nothing. Red Shoe Diaries even Dream On.

I have seen him in RL and he does have some guns. His husband is the pretty boy toy.

How about a tanning salon and and a library?

*furiously changes comcast account details to  2 year old daughter*

"lolz, catz, derp" - Anonymous

Hair is part of it, but I was looking at the jaw lines. Interesting how they would look nothing alike at other comparable ages.

We got to watch Blow Up and Blow Out within two weeks of each other in my film studies class back in the '90s. It lead to some confusing discussions.

I never realized how much a young John Travolta looks like Jeremy Sisto.

I think my favorite skit is Thomas Lennon as the sommelier who gets increasingly drunk over the course of the episode.

Hey Channing, I am not wearing my merkin.

When someone was hitting me, or like sexually molesting me, it just seemed normal to continue to do that to myself.

“I'm allergic to chemicals in food so I eat only organic foods. I've never missed a show so it must be doing something.”

You can find out on the new Facebook graph search. Friends of friends who like big butts. Of course just the fact that you typed that in goes into the database as well so…

fuck, now that sound is in my head.