
It is museum, it is all steepled fingers and thoughtful nods. Maybe some stroking of your chin, but the security guards regularly employ the "hand check!" So watch yourself.

Someone doesn't like these pigs!

Wasn't there a castle ARRRRrrrrrrgggghhh?

I could have done without Titus Alone, but yeah the first two were amazing.

Chichis Secundarios Nonpantalones

I like a lot of Brandon Sanderson's other works. Mistborn is a neat, fairly self-contained trilogy. Not sure how he will handle his epic magnum opus but the first book was good.

These are really interesting comments as I have been re-reading the Wheel of Time books and there is the same kind of change from individual book arcs into a larger narrative that starts to take place at about the same point. Hopefully Martin can resist the urge to draw this out the way Jordan did in books 7-11. I

Having just suffered through Savages that made me throw up in my mouth a little.

I figured this was going to be more of a Faces of Death-type thing or at least a Tosh.0 not all fakey fake.

Damn obamacare and his electric buses!

That sounds awkward at best.

@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus I think the Robot Chicken Star Wars was much much better than the Family Guy treatments. Family Guy just recycled the movies and added some largely unrelated comedy (kind of like Spaceballs which was funny, but obviously made by someone who had only a cursory interest in

How about a NSFW tag @avclub-9b3d616efffb52751fd968db82ece52a:disqus ? I know moobs are not technically NSFW but any random glance a big pic with that much skin is asking for trouble.

I liked him but I was always disappointed they felt they had to dumb down the name.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus That movie was directly responsible for me getting my first starter set.

I used to have this on 45.

Well to be fair, I don't think anybody watched it back then either.

Now we can blackmail you for all those yummy cookies.

Really, how so? I re-watched the first season a few years ago and other than the clothing and some of the acting it held up pretty well. But maybe that is nostalgia. I did not catch it the first time on its original run but in a 1 episode a day no commercials marathon on Bravo? in 1995. Which was probably one of the