
Not to mention coffee. Who the fuck saw that one coming back then? I remember $0.25 refills in the early 90's.

So is it like in Cemetery Man where the zombie boyfriend is chewing on her shoulder and she is like, "He's only eating me! Mind your own business, I shall be eaten by whoever I please!"

sorry, thought this was a caption contest.

How can they tell which one of is the zombie if we have the same facial expression?

But interactive is not defined. He could be watching and even commenting on a live cam with a few hundred other guys also watching and commenting.

That is ok, I did not get the term either even though I did at one point have a secreted stash in a ziplock, in a tree in the woods.

No shit, especially kids who cannot sleep in their own goddamn bed for more than two hours straight!

As Dan said, I am not sure that part was clear. Was he involved in a live chat session either one on one or via a group? If so was it with an actual ex-girlfriend or person that he knows in RL or did it just make her "feel" that way? I think the answers to those would have some bearing on appropriate responses.
But I

What if you don't want sex 9 times a week but you do want to occasionally get off quickly to relieve some stress or to help you fall asleep?
Like the others said, I think for most of us sex and masturbation are two different things. Sure there is some overlap but it does not have to be 100%

Yeah, those are from the letter writers. A while back he got on some because they were getting so long and complicated.

Two pages of other mentions and no Monty Python's Flying Circus?

Man I remember the rumors back when Remington Steele was still airing that Brosnan might be the next James Bond. At the time that seemed inspired, a decade later when it actually happened, not so much.

I would say both have their high points and flaws. I am old enough for the Gene Wilder one, but for some reason I did not see it until I was older so perhaps I do not have the same nostalgia for it that others on here do, certainly my wife thinks I am crazy for not LOVING it.
If I am going to sit down with my kids I

@avclub-4b8dbaa429f18373947e25594eb17f40:disqus  Wow I never realized until now that Chumley was the Star Wars kid.


You mean not exciting enough to actually support three! TV shows?

Funnily enough he was the most annoyingly fake douche on the show. I think he is pretty media savvy, he did pretty well playing the heel on the show. When his over sized ego inevitably clashed with the money grubbing producers and got him kicked off, he decides to go out in a blaze of glory, hopefully turning into his

As always Cookie Monster is so much more eloquent than myself. Man I really hope you have a job where you get to use your creativity in language.

The problem is that the post-Empire timeline is chock full of stories. If you don't want to violate some fairly standard non-film canon you would have to pull a trick like Star Trek did. It was a pretty cool trick, but I am not sure JJ could pull it off again. And by using that trick, he showed just how much he

Dammit, I have work to do, but you suckered me into that time-sink.