
@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus I was in 5th grade and watched it in class. It only took 1 day for for the jokes to come:
What were Christa McAuliffe's last words?
"What does this button do?"

Green Jello.

Damn American public education failing me again!

Kingsley is a mandingo fighter?

I will bid 2/3 of dollar on your fine acquisitions sir.

@TestTubeMonkey:disqus Nice try, there is no way I am clicking on that. As long as I do not see it, it did not happen.

I think you misspelled Raising Arizona.

I really did not get into A Serious Man. The trailer was great, but it seemed to fall flat for me.

Yeah, nicer overall but a similar size to my old studio. Of course mine was only $325/month out here in the Midwest.

I love talking to friends in big cities. Bragging about my 3 bedroom 100+ year old house with original hardwood floors and trim, 1,600 sq feet, fenced yard, garage, etc. and my monthly mortgage is just over $500. This is in a decent-sized college town only 10 blocks from my work. If I wanted to live in one of the

Don't tempt fate, I think Voltron is the only pop culture item from my childhood that has not been raped yet.

I know they want Pete to be new Jim, but he looks like an underwear model. It was really apparent when Erin was washing the mayo out of his hair. With his head tilted back you could really see the cheekbones of a Greek god. No amount of tousled hair can turn him into Joe schmo.

@avclub-9b3d616efffb52751fd968db82ece52a:disqus I don't know that it was that predictable. More ironic, him getting killed by someone else who was a drunk driver. 
I have not revisited his stuff in a while, I am sure most of it does not hold up not to mention the homophobia, racism and misogyny but I am not sure I

It reminds me of an old Sam Kinison bit about being famous as a druggie. He would go to parties and everyone is doing some coke. Normal lines, straws, they give Kinison a huge line and a garden hose. At that point it is pretty much put up or shut up.

Sad clowns all around.

Am I going to win the lottery?

Yeah, this sound more like a Scientology tactic.

If the progression is Doggy Dogg>Dogg>Lion what follows?

That's what she said.