
I seriously clicked on the link thinking "Ben and Kate plus 8 is on ABC now?"
Thanks to my kids, primetime is largely Spongebob and Adventure Time while I make dinner and do dishes. I save most recordings for late weekend nights.

When I was a little girl in Poland, we all had ponies.

Is this set in the 80's or are they just supposed to be "TV quirky"?

No shit, who the hell figured that would be a good title for a new show?

And mine was not even witty. No don't scroll, now I am embarrassed.

It was the great compilation LP of Dope-Guns-N-Fucking in the Streets volume 4-7 that caught my eye one fateful day in the 90's. I mean who could turn away from this back cover: http://www.themelvins.net/w…

Was it a little red-haired girl?

@avclub-d2f385fc028ee94fff581cdab34f4d1e:disqus , @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus  Check out the audiobook of Neverwhere sometime, really great adaptation.

That is a bit of misconception about lifespans. 30's was the average life span, not the median. It was really the very high death rate of infants that lowered the average. If you made it to 10, you were pretty likely to live a fairly normal span to your 60's.

@avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus To be fair there are some food shacks? (what the hell do you call those small, vaguely train station looking places) and food trucks around the Smithsonian area.

Yeah but everyone looked like that, it was probably part of the contract at the Whiskey. Do you think they would have let somebody in jeans up on stage?

I like horror, and Del Toro but I have been avoiding it because I have young kids. I have heard it is not a good movie for parents to watch. The sad, it is too much, yes?

@avclub-7287f1910791eb8cf1bc62db5d310646:disqus Or the one where he had the Baboon heart?

@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus I cannot attest for suburbs, but in my rural town (no bus, no mall, one stoplight) it was the high school football or basketball games. Occasionally a school dance or house party. But other than that, pre-driving dates had to include parents or older siblings to get to

I have to wonder now if my musical tastes would be significantly different had I had access to the pandora's box of the internet at that early of an age.

I remember getting it back when it came out and immediately pulling up that song, WTF????

Some friends and I started to quote the movie with some graffiti on our chemistry desks. Each day someone would add a new quote. I remember it going on for quite some time.

Man, Gleaming the Cube made me think I should actually learn to skateboard. Not that I ever bought a board or anything

Yeah, I think a large part is being the right age for when it came out. I was 15 so it was instrumental in opening my musical tastes and the first real feelings of being able to stand up to authority and make a difference. Quite liberating. I almost sued my high school over a graduation prayer a few years later (they